Tuesday 29 July 2008

My Roses and Awards

I am honoured to again have received another award. I have received this award 3 times in the last week. It came from Maria and Teresa and Laura Thank you all so much. I am passing it on to Cindy and Merisi and Sara All 3 have brilliant Weblogs, always hard choosing among the many brilliant blogs I visit.

As the first flush of roses has finished I thought it would be nice to have a reminder of the beauty that was, or at least the ones I got to take photos of.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The roses are beautiful!
I have been dealing with black spot and little aphids. I have been out there treating them.
So I shall simply enjoy your beautiful roses. :)

Aubrey said...

Your roses are so incredible--for a second I thought you were showing catalog pictures! How do you keep them looking so good?

Patsy said...

Beautiful, I love roses

Sujata said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

What gorgeous roses Barbara, such variety is colour and type.

Lorrie said...

Just beautiful - roses are one of my favourite flowers (it's hard to choose just one!)


a woman who is said...

How very sweet of you Barbara. I am so very touched by your generous heart towards me.

I love to see you roses...would love to know the names? 5th one down from the top, big light pink blousy bloom...yum!

Mine are starting a bit of a rebloom, and even though it is not the glories of the first flush, I am blessed by their sweet and fragrant appearance in my garden.

Vee said...

Congratulations on the beautiful award!

Your roses are exquisite. I've not been able to grow a proper rose since I left Arizona. Though I love yellow roses, my favorite here is the melon colored one...so lovely.

What's the update on the computer?

Come Away With Me said...

Such beautiful roses and each one different. Which one has the sweetest fragrance? My favorite, at least if we are going by appearance, is the 12th one.

Thank you, Barbara, for honoring me with this award. I'm touched and pleased that you thought of me.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Roses, what a treat for me, raining here in North Georgia, USA, smile, Cathy

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

You deserve the award! Which reminds me that I also received it and need to acknowledge it. I can almost smell those gorgeous roses of yours!

Paula said...

Lots and lots of lovely roses. They are my favorite. The Double Delight is one of my favs, the fragrance is so strong. I really like the pink David Austen rose too, it is so pretty.

nanatrish said...

You deserve your awards! I absolutely love your roses. The orange ones are so vivid and gorgeous. You are very talented with your flowers. I don't have a clue how to raise them. They are so pretty. I'll bet it smells wonderful at your house.

Anonymous said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL (and real) English Garden!!!

Elizabethd said...

I would lover to know the names of your roses Barbara, they are prize winners!

Maria said...

Oh yes, the roses are MOST beautiful!
Oh you received the award three times! HAHA!
Your roses have deserved them! ;)

zetor said...

HOW do you do it? Those roses are wonderful. Well done Barbara.

Dorothy said...

Barbara...many congratulations. Nothing any more beautiful than roses.

Anonymous said...

Back to smell the roses.... ;)

Charm and Grace said...

Barbara, Congratulations on another well-deserved award. Your blog is brilliant, as are these photos of your roses. You are an amazing gardener. I love all your selections!


Willow said...

And I just gave you this same award on my blog!

Mike's Travels said...

Such a variety of colours. beautiful, and well done!

Lavinia said...

Your roses are absolutely stunning! Oh my, the colours, the texture, the exquisite petals...thank you so much for posting them!

And congratulations on your award...yes, your blog is very worthy of this accolade...

Merisi said...

Dear Barbara,´

congratulation on your award,
and thank you so much for sharing it with me! I feel truly honoured. :-)

You have an amazing variety of beautiful roses in your garden! Is that first one (the red and white one) a "Nostalgia"? My mother has it in her garden, and there are more than one in the Volksgarten's Rose Garden. I photographed them recently, but due a problem with my external hard drive, those images and about two years worth of photos are out of my reach now, hopefully not forever.

Barbara said...

Your roses look very beautiful and so "healthy". One can see how much you take care of them.