Wednesday 16 January 2008

LIVERPOOL European Capital of Culture 2008

I am a Liverpudlian - that means I was born and bred in Liverpool
Liverpool has been given the accolade of being the
European Capital of Culture for 2008
As the official opening ceremony took place this weekend I thought it an ideal time to show some photos of this city.
Liverpool is on the North West coast about 220 miles from where I live now here in the South East.
It is a major seaport and seafaring has been in the blood of both sides of my family
It is the port that saw the comings and goings of the slave ships and also
the port from where most Europeans emigrated to the United States
Within my lifetime it is the port where hundreds of prisoners of war returned
and I have vivid memories of being on the quayside with my family at that time
My sister-in-law's brother who is a folk singer was asked to sing Amazing Grace during the opening ceremony. The choice of song being synonymous with the slave trade.
The city was heavily bombed during the war as a result of being a major seaport and it took a long time to recover
It is a city with many museums and art galleries and good theatres
When we stayed as tourists we were unable to see all that we wanted to during our 4 night stay
It is also a city that has produced many, many actors, commedians and writers
probably the Beetles being the most well known
so come with me and have a look around
There are many links on this site for anyone who is interested

The Maritime Museum
(photo curtesy of web page)
This is a fascinating museum and charts the history and movements of the many who emigrated to the United States, not just from Liverpool but from all over Europe
It covers every aspect of Maritime life including the slave trade and this is housed on 4 floors plus a basement which it given over to slave ships

The Anglican Cathedral
The largest cathedral in Europe

The Modern Roman Catholic Cathedral

The waterfront from a ferry

This view was taken from the Maritime museum building and is looking out to where the River Mersey reaches the Irish Sea

This is taken from the top of the Cathedral tower
We are seeing the Welsh mountains on the horizon

The waterfront from the cathedral tower

A Mersey ferry boat
Remember the Beatles song
Ferry Me Across the Mersey

St George's Hall

Some Art Galleries

All the warehouses in the old dock area have been turned into homes, fine restaurants, bars, shops and arts and craft places
One also houses The Tate Modern art gallery

A ride in an amphibian vehicle
The gateway to China town

During our visit Liverpool Football team won the European Championship
and this was the scene that greeted us at our hotel door
They were waiting for the team to show up in an open top bus
It was difficult to get out of the lobby and the only places in a very wide area that were empty were the roads that had to be kept open
Not something that I would have chosen for my visit but it was interesting all the same

The fans were even lining the top of the entrance to the railway station

And during the afternoon dancing in the fountains


Linds said...

You show us something new all the time, Barbara! The last time I was actually in Liverpool and not flying past on the M6, was when Geoff was an officer in the RFA and on the Belfast run during the 1970's. A bad bad time. In winter. Now I see the city in a totally different light! I must stop one of these days and explore.

Jeanne said...

Love Jeanne

Come Away With Me said...

Ah yes, Liverpool. First time I was aware of it was when the Beatles became famous, about 1964! That's probably when my Anglophilia began - and how well I also remember Jean Shrimpton, Twiggie, Yardley Cosmetics, and Cadbury Chocolates! Those silly things all meant England to me when I was a teen; that and all the historical novels I loved to read.

Thank you for the tour. Liverpool has some lovely buildings. I wonder if any of my English ancestors departed from there for the New World. Probably!

Paula said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures, I had been there many years ago and just remember it as being "grey". What a difference in cathedral architecture from past to present.

Merisi said...

Would you believe it that I never really looked at pictures of Liverpool? Well, the obligatory photos of places the Beatles touched upon, a shot of the harbour, but beyond that a blank!
Thank you for bringing your native city a little closer to me.

Willow said...

What is that?? Blue sky???
I agree with Sara that all things English started with the Beatles, O'de'London perfume, Yardley, Twiggy (I was called Twiggy because I looked like her and my maiden name was Trigg), and Prince Charles.
I asked The Professor if he had started planning our summer trip, and he said he was ready to pull out the guide books. How shall we ever choose when you keep posting more and more wonderful places for us to think about visiting?

a woman who is said...

That was very interesting. I think I thought Liverpoole to be a very industrial city. This has changed my opionion. The waterfront and all it's musuems,stores,art galleries and such look and sound fascinating.

Linda said...

I've heard that Liverpool is a very nice city to visit from someone who was just there. It's one of those places I've just heard of all my life but never had on my list.

Vee said...

Really lovely photos. My great-grandfather was a Liverpudlian. Prior to today, I would have called him a "Liverpoolian" (grin).

I am struck by how similar seaports look. With the exception of the cathedrals, this could be the one in my corner of the world.

It's marvelous that those old warehouses were reclaimed. Are the shops and homes fantastic? (In our local city, they are doing the same thing with former woolen mills.)

Anonymous said...

Great photos Barbara ~ thanks for the tour.

Marie x

Betty said...

A very interesting post and glimpse of a place that's very well known...beautiful pictures....Betty

Susan Skitt said...

What a delightful tour Barbara! Thank you!

inspired said...

my wife is from Liverpool :]

Unknown said...

I love your new Pictures!Thanks for sharing the tour. Have a wonderful weekend.((Hugs)) Lisa

Anonymous said...

Love this post... especially the one where the River Mersey meets the Irish sea. It's nice to put a picture to the song.

Mike's Travels said...

Looks great, makes me want to visit!