Wednesday 19 December 2007

Where did 48 Years Go?

Today is our wedding anniversary

48 years

Where did the years go

We don't really celebrate

Restaurants are just full of office parties this time of year

Instead we enjoy a special meal at home

So tonight it is Roast Chicken Breast covered in a Smoked Bacon Lattice with

Pork and Sage & Onion Stuffing

Roast Parsnips, Roast Potatoes and Brussels sliced and sauteed in butter and garlic
For dessert

Lemon and Cream Souffle finished with Caramelised Orange Shreds

My card to Alan
The tags are embossed with "Thank You", "Happy Anniversary" and
"To a Special Peson"
The bell is for those church bells that rang out all those years ago

19th December 1959


Jeanne said...

Congratulations and much love and many blessings for many more years to come.
Love Jeanne ^j^

"It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters."

-Evander Holyfield

Vee said...

Happy, happy anniversary to you both. Forty-eight years is a wonderful testament to a couple's love and devotion! Your celebratory meal at home sounds very romantic.

You were a terrific looking couple then...regular Hollywood types...and you're still a terrific looking couple. (I saw a current photo together at Linds's blog.)

~~Deby said...

Happy Anniversary...
That is quite a milestone...especially in these days...and you are right...where did the years go?
Life is so short....
God's blessings on both of you.

Judy said...

My best wishes to you on this milestone...48 years is worth a great celebration! The card is beautiful and your meal sounds delicious. Blessings!

Susan said...

Congratulation!!! Thanks for your comment and your prayers!!! By the way, I have a post about prayer and have tagged you. I have not posted it yet. I will either later today or tomorrow.
((hugs)) and Merry, Merry Christmas my sweet English friend!

Come Away With Me said...

Barbara and Alan - congratulations on your anniversary! That is wonderful.

Barbara, that really IS a special meal and I am sure it's better than you could get in a restaurant anyway! Enjoy your celebration.

Also, to answer your question:

You are very observant! That former profile photo just happened to be an extra good photo of me. It was taken in February 2006, so I was 55--not so long ago. That was the day the Queen Mary II came to Long Beach to salute the Queen Mary I, and we were up on the roof of the building where I worked at the time, with a wonderful view of the water and the two ships. I guess maybe the sunshine made me look extra good! (PS: If you saw that photo in large format you'd see the "laugh lines" around my eyes, etc.)

Paula said...

Happy 48th. What an accomplishment. With a dinner like that who needs to go to a restaurant. I love the card you made. Really original. I bet he really liked it. Its so much more special when it is handmade with love. Have fun.

Betty said...

Barbara and Alan,
Congratulations to you both....quite a milestone.....May the good Lord grant you many more years together...

Do I need to make a reservation for dinner to night? Sounds delicious....Love, Betty

Sandi McBride said...

Congratulations you two. What a testament to hard work and devotion you are presenting us with! I thought Mac and I had done something grand when we celebrated 39 years of marriage back in October. Well done, the meal sounds wonderful...

Barbara said...

Congratulations and many happy returns! I'm sure you both did enjoy this very special day!

Mike's Travels said...

Congratulations on your special day and thanks for sharing it with us. Have a lovely evening!
This I Do...

Linda said...

Happy Anniversary to Barbara and Alan. Your meal sounds delicious and I'm sure you will both enjoy it over the hustle and buslte of any restaurant.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Congratulations! You are an inspiration!

Happy Anniversary, Merry Christmas, and many blessings to you in the coming year!


Willow said...

A very Happy Forty-eighth Anniversary to Alan and you! Congratulations on your faithfulness and love for each other through the years.

Kim S in SC said...

Happy anniversary! I love the photo!


Naturegirl said...

Barbara wishing you and your husband
a Happy Anniversary! I am so happy that I did NOT miss this post because I have been ~laid up~.
Your card is so creative and symbolizes the lasting love you share with your husband!Wishing you both
good health happiness and many more years to celebrate your love! hugs NG

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Happy anniversary you two! Oh i wish i were there to give you good wishes in person! May God bless you both on your special day!

Linda said...

Wow, that's a long time. Not many people make it for that long. I didn't. I'm thinking you two must be very kind and forgiving to each other. Here's to many more years.

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Dear Barbara......

Happy 48th Wedding Anniversary. May the years ahead be enriched with much happiness and good health for you both.

Lovely to see your wedding photograph, what a handsome couple! Delicious celebratory meal and beautiful handmade card, fantastic! I do like the new photograph of you too.

Barbara.... what a wonderful surprise it was to receive a phone call from you last week..... so nice to hear your voice and I really enjoyed our chat.

Its been a very busy week at home. I must try and squeeze a posting in before Christmas.

Wishing you and Alan peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the new year. Love - Marion

Tina said...

Dear Barbara,
Congratulations and I hope you and your husband have many years of love and blessings to celebrate together.
Lots of love.

Susan Skitt said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Beautiful card Barbara. And what a lovely meal to enjoy together. God bless and have a very Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary and may God Bless you with many more happy healthy years together.Your menu sounds so delicious!

a woman who is said...

Congratulation! Dinner sounds so yummy. You must be an excellent cook as well as gardener, decorator, crafter, photographer, and story teller!

someone else said...

Wow, 48 years!! Happy Anniversary to you both. Your meal sounds absolutely yummy!!

Linds said...

Congratulations to you both! I love your card, Barbara, and I am sure Alan did too. I will email the cake recipe tomorrow. Life hopefully will slow down tomorrow once the school holidays start!Love to you both

CONNIE W said...

Congratulations! How blessed you are. Wishes to you and your hubby for a special Merry Christmas.

Susan said...

Hi Barbara, Please be sure and visit my blog for 12/21 as I have tagged you for prayer.

Daffodil Hill said...

Happy Anniversary! I just discovered your blog today, but have enjoyed spending the afternoon reading all 12 chapters of your story. What a story it is! I eagerly anticipate reading more of it as it is posted. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to you both and a very merry Christmas.
Carolyn x
Willow House

inspired said...

Congratulations and well done ;o]

Beach Girl said...

CONGRATULATIONS and Happy Anniversary!

I have ben keeping up, just not aboe to sign in.


I have some major issue with Blogger, but I'm able to sign in once again.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!


Mary said...

Belated happy anniversary wishes Barbara - you're one of few couples who make it this far!! Your life story has been so interesting and you are sweet to share the ups and downs.

I'm sending you wishes for a joyful Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Barbara

Willow said...

A Very Merry Christmas to you and your family in your English Garden from The Professor and me at Willow's Cottage!

Anonymous said...

Barbara! How wonderful you look in that photo. And many many good wishes for wonderful years ahead. Congratulations!

paru's_circle said...

sorry i missed your anniversary,so, i m now wishing you a belated one and may you have many, many, more! u know you look more bee--tee-full(if possible) than you did all those year ago?
all the best to you and yours

Charity Grace said...

Happy anniversary and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by accident -when looking (in google) for a link on the model village near Oxfordshire!!! What a wonderful witness you are and what interesting stories. God Bless You!. :-) R

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a picture of you in your wedding dress before. It's so beautiful, you looked radiant...and still do!

Love Cherry xoxoxo

Vintage to Victorian said...

Belated congratulations to you both, Barbara! What a lovely card - such a clever idea!

Glad you had a lovely time over Christmas and may I wish you all a very Happy New Year.

(Lights on; no tripod!!!!)

Sue x