We have just had our house painted grey.
I have had grey on my mind for a long time and it had finally got to the point where we could leave it no longer as the old paint was peeling off in places.
Then suddenly everywhere we look houses are being painted grey.
It seems grey is a current popular colour not only for the outside of houses but also inside walls and furnishing.
The old garage door is soon to be completely renovated. We are having the wall bricked up and putting a window in and eventually a wooden floor. It's never been used as a garage but a very handy store room and part office.
So as we already have an integral door into the hall this change will make a big difference.
So, garden news - sadly we are in the process of destroying all of my Box shrubs that I have in pots.
They are suffering from Box Blight that is rife in the country.
I have nurtured them as topiary fro a very long time.

So empty pots abound. I am planning to plant four patio shrub roses in the four largest pots and have been re-potting my herbs into the smaller ones. It does not feel quite as bad if I can make good use of the pots.
The dreaded Box Blight
We are progressing with the removal of shrubs down the left hand side and hopefully it will not be too long before the area is turfed.
I'm looking forward to a lot less work next year.
I need to sort this before I hit 80!
On a lighter note a little colour from today's garden
Life has been hectic with indoor bathroom renovations, outside painting and re-planning the garden on top of general living but I do want to visit my blogging buddies to see what everyone has been up to recently.