Wednesday 9 April 2014

There's Pink in the Garden

With the house in such a mess and hardly anything in it's rightful place for the last five weeks, I feel in limbo and finding it hard to settle and concentrate on a lengthy post.
Our carpets will be fitted a week tomorrow after which we can begin to get straight. Our spare bedrooms are piled with stuff as is our garage/storeroom with our shelving units from our sitting room in a neighbours cabin.
The carpet that I want to rescue to put into our garage/storeroom will be stored in another neighbours garage shortly.

Decorating about finished. There are always extras though like nailing down floorboards that have come loose.
New curtains up today and this afternoon managed some time weeding in the garden. The main colour right now seems to be pink.

The garden will look very different this year with the centre shrub area replaced with lawn and roses

This is just a little "hello" till I get to visit you


  1. I know just how you feel! I am now at an end with decorating, at last!

  2. It's a lovely feeling when a disordered house is put back together. I hope it happens soon for you. The garden will wait and bloom and surprise you!

  3. Oh I know how frazzled the feeling when the entire house is upset. Do not worry about a visit. Your garden looks in fine order!

  4. Hi Barbara. Our trees won't begin to bloom for several more weeks this year. Everything is late it seems.

  5. Decorating is a lot of work......but when it's done....ahhh! Hope we get to see the changes.
    Your garden is lovely.

  6. Your Photinia is looking good. I think you are a couple of weeks ahead of us weather-wise. We are still at the Daffodil stage.

  7. We don't have any lovely blooms like you do yet but it won't be long now. We are finally beginning to warm up. I never got my spring cleaning done at all here. Thankfully we'll have some April showers that will keep me inside yet. Maybe next week I can get outside and work in the yard too.

  8. Glad to hear things are getting organized. New curtains are always a treat. How odd that your main color is pink. So often it's bright yellow in spring.
    Daffodils, forsythia etc.
    Your berengia looks splendid.

  9. Fab colours in your garden,very cheerful! Hope to see all the hard work in photos!

  10. We have yellow and pink colors blooming now. Know your garden will be lovely this year. Our roses are putting on new growth want belong until we have blooms every where.

  11. Hello back at you!
    Maybe your house is a mess, but your garden is delightful.

  12. Dear Barbara, sounds like the grass isn't growing under your feet, a lot on your plate. Your garden is beautiful. I too am getting nuts thinking of all the work ahead of me in the yard. yvonne
    Happy Easter

  13. I'll bet you miss that garden time with all that is going on inside.

  14. Your garden is looking very pretty.

  15. Hi Barbara, just stopped by, it's, Palm Sunday and wishing you a beautiful Easter with Family.

  16. As I am spending my morning reading a British Country Living mag and checking blogs, I have enjoyed catching up with your posts. Your newly decorated rooms are going to look great. But it is a mess to do.
    Happy Easter to you and Alan!

  17. I always enjoy visiting your garden. The pink is lovely and seeing a bit of your garden makes me wish I could have a visit - and a cup of tea - with you right there! You have a lot going on with your decorating but it will be very nice when you are finally settled in again.


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