Thursday 3 April 2014

On The Home Front

I can show you why I have not been on the blog scene much recently.
For the last month we have been decorating the downstairs of our house (3 rooms and kitchen) before we have much needed new carpets fitted.
The above photo (today) is the last room fortunately.
I don't know which is the hardest and most time consuming,  getting everything movable upstairs or the work itself.

We have a week now to finish as the carpet company want the skirting boards painted at least a week before fitting. They have also asked that we fill in any gaps between skirting board and floor boards if possible. (We still have to do this for 2 rooms) We have never been asked to do this before but apparently this is the reason one can, over time, get a black edge to the carpet from underfloor dust coming through the gaps.
At least having it all finished a week in advance of fitting I can buy my new curtains and have them hung beforehand.
We are also going to put one of the carpets into our 'garage' when it is all over. Now that will be fun as there will be so much to move out!
While Alan at the grand age of 82 has been doing the decorating, I have been keeping the home running and  washing covers and throws, cushion covers, seat covers and the downstairs curtains that I plan to move upstairs.

In the midst of all this there has been much (and still is) to do in  the garden at this time of year. Have done most of the pruning but have yet to tackle the weeds that are so prolific this year after so much rain  during the Winter. Part of the bottom fence has been blown over too in the severe weather.
We also had some very unwelcome visitors recently. We found a swarm of ants in our 'garage' covering the floor at one end. We ended up with a floor covering of ant powder and dead ants!

Right now the south of England has been covered in sand and dust from a severe desert storm in the Sahara 2000 miles away. Being busy we had treated ourselves to a professional car wash and then last Monday we could hardly see out of the windscreen! This happens a few times a year. It has been made worse this year because of the current weather conditions causing a high level (10) pollution causing smog over the London area which will apparently not clear until we have rain and wind tomorrow. Advice was to keep windows closed, however we have ours open as the smell of paint is so strong!

Well on a lighter note our son is back from India and has already booked his next trip - Peru in September.

I'll be back visiting everyone soon I hope


  1. Oh my dear Barbara, I am exhausted just reading all that you have on your plate right now. It will be beautiful when you are finished with it.

  2. Spring cleaning is not a lot of fun but you will I am sure be happy to see all the new.
    We are getting warmer each day and the rain and storms are coming.
    I bet your son has lots to tell you about his trip. Fill us in about what is going on in that part of the world.

  3. You have been a busy girl Barbara! I would love that to redecorate the whole downstairs in one go instead of room by room! It will be like a new house to you so and credit to your husband, working hard at 82, keeps him young and strong! Looking forward to some before and after pics!

  4. Oh dear, this sounds like some really busy spring!
    The sand pollution sounds like a biblical plague, and that in combination with having fresh paint in the house really is a heavy burden. Hope this sorts itself out soon!

    Best wishes,

  5. Hello Barbara,
    You have been busy! Renovating takes an enormous amount of time and energy. Good for Alan for soldiering on. It's going to look fresh and lovely when you're done.

  6. I'm exhausted and all I did was read about all the doings. I commend you both for all your hard work. It will be worth it all I am sure. A little over a week should tell! It is always incredibly interesting to hear about what weather systems affect others around the globe. Sandstorms from the Sahara are, of course, unknown to us. Fires in Quebec, yes, sandstorms, no. Take care, both of you, and pace yourselves.

  7. My goodness Barbara, you have both been very busy. We had new carpets last year and we are just about to undertake a kitchen renovation. It will be a good way to declutter the kitchen :)

  8. My word, how do you do it all? I have had a decorator in every day this week, doing my bedroom. I used to do my own painting, but not now.
    Once your furniture is back you will feel it's your home again!

  9. Goodness, Barbara, your project sounds exhausting and I'm not 82! How lovely your home will be once the work is done and you can rest.

  10. I echo Vee!
    Tiring just to read about it - but I'm sure you will be thrilled with your new look when it finally arrives.
    Sandstorms from the Sahara?

    Wishing you a peaceful weekend.

  11. I don't know how you do it! Nor Alan! But it is wonderful that you can, and the results are going to be very enjoyable I have no doubt. Looking forward to before and after pics!

  12. You will be so glad to have it all done and have your new carpet - but I know you will be tired and ready to relax. I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

  13. Yup! Definitely tired just reading about this too. You've had a lot going on. Looks great!

    Look forward to seeing more pictures.


  14. It sounds as though you are going to have a thoroughly good time sitting back for a day or so and enjoying the finished results.


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