Wednesday 16 April 2014

It's Spring in my Garden with some Changes

Well just one more sleep till the carpet fitters are here!
It has been a long 5/6 weeks decorating and keeping the home running along with our regular commitments, not to mention the garden.
I am seriously not looking forward to the chore of getting everything back in it's place as our stuff is spread around so much upstairs as well as some stored in neighbours homes. However I am looking forward to seeing it all finished. That probably won't be until some time next week as we have our daughter and family coming over Good Friday (will be wonderful to see Oliver and Rebekah) and being Easter weekend there is much on church wise.
I am tired!
I guess it will be another week before a reasonable chill out as I have dentist, osteopath and we have another Christian Spectrum conference.

The new look in my garden in the early evening sun.
Gone are all the central shrub beds - replaced with another rose bed and some grassed over.
I like being able to see to the bottom of the garden. 

and now a few days later looking through the window framed with my new curtains

and a day later with blue skies

Glad I caught this reflection of what looks like a tree indoors! 

Maybe I will be able to get on with some gardening while the carpet fitters are doing their bit.

And finally a happy 15th wedding anniversary to daughter Jane and Chris her husband. 
It was good to take a break and make a few cards too.

For those who were not familiar with my garden before!


  1. I am anxious to see your new roses bloom as I am sure you are too. I love how much more open your garden all seems now. Thanks for the pictures it is always so lovely to see how things are coming along. I too must wait till next week to really enjoy my spring. After all my work was done I came down with an absolutely horrid cold. I am missing the lilac's full bloom with all their lovely scent. Have a wonderful time with your grands and lovely Easter weekend!

  2. All green and pink ,Lovely

  3. Barbara your garden is beautiful! Lovely for a garden party on a sunny day,or family gathering,I can see people meandering down the lovely stone stepping! Is that a flowering cherry tree,it looks fantastic,great photos!

  4. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! By the way, my name is Susan (Joyce is my last name!)

  5. Your garden is looking lovely in its springtime garb. Soon your house will sorted out once again and what a lovely peace you'll feel. Meanwhile, take care of yourself. Happy Easter blessings to you, dear Barb.

  6. Barbara, hope that you have all the help you need to get the house back in order once again. What a huge task it has been! It'll be a great blessing to function without any obstacles. The garden looks beautiful and I know that I would prefer to see from one end to the other as well.

  7. Goodness, those pink blooms are just so enchanting. I enjoyed every angle :-) I'm glad the weeks of upheaval will be over soon -- at least the end is in sight!

  8. All looking great, Barbara! Gosh you will have a lot of exciting changes this spring!!
    Wishing you all a very happy Easter. So super that you will see the grandchildren.
    We see our tiddlies on Easter Monday for the day.

    Can you believe it SNOWED here yesterday!

  9. You have such a beautiful Garden. I am having a hard time with the house and yard. It's a full time job.
    Looking forward to Easter hope we do not get snow.

    Enjoy the visit with family and Happy Easter.

  10. My what a wonderful job you have done on the garden it looks wonderful. Here we have had another snow but it is to be warming up. I haven't started any work outdoors yet. Hope you have a wonderful Good Friday get together.

  11. I wonder which roses you have chosen for your new bed?

  12. Beautiful, Barbara. The pink tree is splendidly glorious!

  13. Whay a lovely way to start my day. And a fitting reflection of Christ's resurrection.

  14. Your garden is just beautiful Barbara.
    It must be wonderful to walk through it and see all of the growth and smell heavenly scents.
    Looking forward to seeing the new rose bushes that you planted a while ago.

  15. Barbara, hope you had a great Easter and enjoyed your Daughters visit. The yard looks great. It is now Spring in Maine, but still snow in the Mountains. yvonne

  16. Your garden is seriously off the charts! I can just see Jesus strolling through there along side you and yours!

  17. The new garden looks amazing and I can't wait to see it with the roses all in bloom. You have been living in such turmoil for so long. It will be wonderful when everything is sorted out again and you can enjoy it.


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