Sunday 18 August 2013

Lee Valley White Water Centre, Essex

I really do want to get on with posting more holiday photographs but I have so many to sort out and life has been busy so just a short post before the weekend is out to stay in the loop.

When taking Oliver home a couple of weeks ago after his week with Grandma (more photos eventually) we dropped into the Olympic White Water Centre on the way. As well as being a training place it is open to the public. I have posted more extensively on this previously but went again as I thought Oliver would enjoy watching the rafts on the water.
He did and spent his time trying to race the rafts on the course
Of course the rapids are set much fiercer and faster for
the professionals

New participants have a good hours training first both in and out of the water

One of our English canoeists
Grandchildren back to stay next Monday so more fun in the pipeline but planning to visit some nice gardens this week first


  1. That would be so much fun for Oliver to see! One day, he'll probably be in there for himself! Enjoy the garden trips...

  2. Oh fun! and undoubtedly safer than when I went white water rafting in the Deschutes River in Oregon.

  3. It certainly looks like a lot of fun. I wonder how many of those trying it will go on to be future Olympians?

  4. That looks like fun for most people (including the photographer) but I have a phobia about water so I'll give the rafting a miss, thanks!!!

  5. Yikes .... that looks like a thrill ride!

    Enjoy the grandchildren time!

  6. Just the sort of thing a boy would like!


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