Wednesday 14 August 2013

Max Gate, the Home of Thomas Hardy. Dorset

We go from the cottage where Hardy was born (last post) to his own adult house
As an architect by profession he was able to design the house himself, with his Father and brother doing the building work.
Little did Hardy realise in 1885 that the house was actually situated in the middle of a neolithic stone circle and a Romano-British cemetery.
He remained in the house until his death

Interestingly to me this house reminds me of the house of 
George Bernard Shaw which is in my neck of the woods

The house is very much as it was when Hardy lived here

The armchair by the lamp was Hardy's own chair

His typewriter

Dining Room

Typical passageway to the back door 

and some of the garden


  1. It is a very interesting looking house, both inside and out.

  2. Much of the house reminds me of CS Lewis's home although of course, The Kilns is much smaller. Even the furniture is similar.

    This is yet another spot to put on my wish list :)

  3. Isn't it interesting to see other peoples' homes, especially those of artists. You wonder what inspires them, how they can have chores to do and still return to their special talents. I've always wanted to write, but I have no stories.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures, Barb. Love seeing your pictures.

  4. It looks like a very comfortably furnished house where someone really lived. I can just imagine settling into that chair by the fire.

  5. The light coming in the windows is lovely. I wonder why they painted hallways such dark colors back in the day? Looks like he had a pleasant view out on the gardens too. Very nice.

  6. I loved visiting the house. I'd like to to go along with you for some of these visits you have shared with us over the years, Barbara.


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