Monday 19 August 2013

Athelhampton House & Gardens Pt. 1. Dorset

This is an interesting and fascinating house. Stairs, nooks and crannies and doors everywhere

The earliest parts of the house are Tudor, and built in 1485. After becoming almost derelict, the house was restored and transformed in  the 1890's by Alfred Cart de Lafontaine. 
The Great Hall is an exceptional example of early Tudor architecture with heraldic glass, linenfold panelling and carved roof timbers. The house also contains an outstanding collection of English furniture from Jacobean to late Victorian.
Thomas Hardy was a frequent visitor to the house and panted a watercolour of the house, referred to as "Athelhall" 
at age 19.
Athelhampton was acquired by the Cooke family in 1957 and is still  a family home.

First we visit The Barn restaurant and enjoy a very good meal, although we had to wait a while to be served, as a large party of folk from Holland arrived just before us

In we go

First into the Great hall

Notice the black circle on the cheek in the portrait
It is tar to cover a bullet hole

One has a choice of doors to go through everywhere

Notice the ceiling and the panelling

The wine cellar

The King's anti-room
(all great houses had a room fit for a King - who may or may not have visited)

The bed chamber

I do like this bedside book case

Note the four poster bed is attached to the ceiling

more stairs

The main staircase

Ladies Victorian wardrobe

The Yellow Room

Solid Copper bath tub

Dining Room

Billiard Room and Library

In the next post we will visit the world famous gardens


  1. Very interesting home! I would love to explore it with others, but I would not want to be there alone!

  2. What a grand residence that is from the outside one would think it was a cathedral of sorts. It has been wonderfully restored and although I cannot imagine living on that scale it would be nice to visit there.

  3. Marvelous photos, Barbara. I had an enjoyable time studying all of them in large format. That linen fold paneling is really something; to think it was all carved by hand all those ages ago. Some of the doors look like they are a little low by today's standards, but it's hard to tell really. I noticed the banners in the library from the 1895 General Election. Beautiful plaster ceilings in some of the rooms, so ornate. And wish I could see those Elizabethan (?) era dolls closer in the bedroom with the red Beefeater looking suit of clothing in it. It was all fascinating.

  4. Sounds like you might chose the wrong door and get lost in that great house. OOOOO I think that would make a wonderful novel! You step through the door to the right and you are transferred to that period of history...
    Thanks for taking me there, Barbara. Always enjoy your adventures.

  5. Yes, there are so many little nooks and crannies and so many inviting doors.
    I should love to peruse the books in that library.

  6. Wow!!!! Thanks Barbara for sharing your photos of this amazing great house with us. Have a Blessed day, Trisha

  7. Amazing house! Very interesting! Did I see a miniature spinning wheel?

  8. Interesting (as all of your tours are) however this home looks dark and uninviting. I would rather live in a cheerful little cottage.

  9. What a splendid house that I had never heard of!
    Another one for my growing list!

  10. What an interesting looking place; I bet you could spend hours there, and still need to go back to see more. I like all the paneling, and I always enjoy seeing period costume. Lovely set of pics, I really enjoyed looking through them.

  11. Wow! this looks like a fascinating place to visit. I must add it to my list :-)

  12. What a fabulous house, and what great photos. Another name to add to the list of places to visit someday. Thanks for sharing.


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