Sunday 25 August 2013

Athelhampton House & Gardens Pt. 2, Dorset

Alfred Cart de Lafontaine built the formal gardens in 1891.
Francis Inigo Thomas designed four ham stone courts in the Elizabethan style. The Great Court, after 100 years has evolved into a unique topiary spectacle containing twelve giant pyramids standing over 30 feet high.
Water forms a recurring feature, with fountains and pools throughout the characteristic themed compartments of the garden, that link creating a labyrinth of rooms.

walking along the river on  the more wild side at the bottom of the garden

and then back through this tunnel into the formal areas again

the side of the house

and the Dovecote which was very messy inside
Hope you enjoyed both the house and the garden


  1. Lovely garden for sure. I was some surprised to see what looked like palm trees there. It has been a lovely summer. So glad you got out and saw so many beautiful sights

  2. The dovecote is very charming with its little buttresses and the climbing roses; too bad someone has not created a nice little retreat inside, put in a window or two . . . I guess that wouldn't be authentic. The photo with the palm tree could be straight from Southern California! The gardens are wonderful, and I especially like the way the tall green hedge fills in the spaces in the stone wall.

  3. Such a pretty tree with the golden leaves...I am assuming that it is that color all through the spring and summer. Beautiful gardens and lawns, ponds and pathways...thank you for taking us along.

  4. Stunning! The wall with the spires is quite incredible. I do like the archway in the wall, leading from one area to the next. I always think they give a garden a magical quality.

  5. The dovecote is so pretty with the pink roses climbing all over it, in spite of being messy inside. What lovely gardens you find, Barbara. England is full of them.

  6. Wonderful photos! I especially love gardens with walls that have door ways. Thank you for the tour!

  7. Oh my. I am hard at work with my wee little boxwoods. So what kind of messy was in the Dovecote? (sorry I ask weird ?'s)

  8. Absolutely gorgeous gardens. I would love to be able to actually walk these grounds and admire the beauty in person. What a treat!

  9. You do go to the best places!
    Greetings and love from us in NY.

  10. The walls and ponds are so gorgeous, what a lucky person lived here.
    I would only want to be the owner not the Gardener, gosh so much up keep.
    I love all the great places you go. Thanks for sharing these great photo's. Fall is on it's way in Maine, nice weather. yvonne

  11. What a spectacular home and garden! Such decorative, delightful details.

  12. What a great garden, Barbara. Wonderful formal cuttings, I like yews whereever I find them.



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