Sunday 18 November 2012

Ickworth House & Gardens Pt. 3

Finishing off this posting with the gardens and outside of the house 
Ickworth is a show case on a huge scale.
The impressive central 'rotunda' was built by the 4th Earl of Bristol to show off the priceless treasures collected on his tours around Europe in the eighteenth century.
Over the next 200 years, the eccentric Hervey family called Ickworth home. Not only did they add to the treasures inside but they created gardens that echoed the Italianate style of the house

Here we have walked down to the lake to see the series of walled gardens. Disappointing as they were mainly empty.
We had found the walk hard going after a pretty full day walking as the temperature was in the upper 80's with no shade and I had not brought a hat
A gardener had assured us it was not very far across the estate and fields - not true
We also had in mind that it would be all uphill walking back

We made it back and the first thing we did was make for the tearoom and the shop to buy a hat (a bit late!)

Very few taking refreshment outside today, including us
Hope you enjoyed your visit


  1. That's a shame that the gardener was not right up front with you about the difficulty level. Obviously, you and Alan looked fit for the challenge! To have walked all that way in the heat and sun without finding a treasure of plantings as a reward...disappointing. It would make for a lovely garden, though. Hope that they'll do better another year.

  2. I hope your refreshments taken indoors refreshed you well after that long, hot, dry walk with no hat!

  3. I enjoyed the posts about Ipworth House... beautiful, but so glad I didn't have to live in a huge place like that!

  4. Such beauty. This reminds me of Pride & Prejudice.

    Thank you for sharing.

  5. No, the walk across the estate and fields isn't far... Maybe it's a gambit to increase hat sales in their gift shop! It is too bad the walled gardens weren't planted. The skies looked beautiful, though.

  6. It boggles my mind to think of all the work that it takes to make an estate like this look lovely! I am catching up on your posts I missed during the last week of celebration for my youngest daughter's wedding. I enjoyed the photos of your grands, and your description of your soup dinner. We housed 14 folks for several nights last week and I was reminded of stories I have read about house parties in grand estates like you showed in this post. In lieu of servants I was so grateful for loving family members and friends who helped our "house party" succeed with few glitches :)
    Blessings to you and yours, Barbara!
    xx from Gracie

  7. I think it absolutely brilliant that tea shops accompany all these house and garden visits. It seems that everyone needs sustenance after tramping through houses and numerous gardens. This has been an amazing tour, Barbara - thank you!

  8. Anything over 80 degrees in the summer bothers me and I stick to the shade so I can imagine your discomfort walking all that way. Still it was a beautiful sight. Your pictures are always a delight.

  9. It looks like a beautifully kept garden. It appears very peaceful. Thank goodness for the tearoom!

  10. Thank you for the virtual journey around Ickworth. It looks well worth a visit.


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