Saturday 17 November 2012

Ickworth House & Gardens Pt. 2

Continuing our stroll through Ickworth House
Note the curvature of the Rotunda
lots of pillars which I guess are needed to compensate for the lack of straight walls

The Library

Sitting room

the outer corridor which circles the inner living areas

but also in places connects rooms

and back to the entrance hall

with the central dome in the ceiling

and upstairs to several different levels

I like these circular open areas that look out onto
the central area

we are on the top level now

a bedroom, obviously

I guess this was from the time that water had to be carried into bathing areas

the silver room

A model of the house with the central rotunda sliced off at different levels to give an idea of the positioning of the rooms

we will now descend and will give you a feel of the gardens in next post


  1. There are definitely times when I've wished for a large home like that. With my family coming in for Thanksgiving here we could use a sitting room like that one. The rooms there are huge. Thank you for a look inside of a time long past.

  2. Such interesting architecture. Of course, I love all the curved lines everywhere, and those porthole windows too.

  3. So many details, beautiful portraits and lots of red used on walls and in carpets. The curves of the hallway were lovely to see. I can imagine children finding it perfectly delightful. It'd make a great home for playing Hide n' Seek!

  4. What a glorious place, thank you for the tour! :-)

  5. I think I would need a week to take it all in. What a beautiful place. The chandeliers are so lovely, and the red wallcovering seems to glow

  6. Such magnificence. I was particularly struck by the library with the leatherbound books, and the opulent draperies!

  7. A super tour of the house. Needless to say the Library is my favourite room.

  8. How beautiful. I like the fact that there are bookcases all over. I especially like the ones curving between the windows in the library.
    Looking down on all the levels is really impressive.

  9. One question, Barbara, Do you ever feel like Cinderella when you are touring these magnificent homes?
    I think I would. Blessings and thank you for sharing your amazing adventures.


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