Wednesday 21 November 2012

Melford Hall and Beatrix Potter, Suffolk

Moving on from one house to another, here we are visiting Melford Hall - not as large and grand as the previous two but interesting all the same

The Hyde Parker family have been living at Melford Hall for 200 years and the hall is alive with their stories past and present.
At first glance, this Tudor house gives the impression that little has changed since Queen Elizabeth I visited in 1578 
However inside there is a surprise round every corner as you uncover generations of changing tastes and fashions.

So many of these homes are now owned and looked after by The National Trust while the families are still able to live in them.
Last year the trust began to allow people to sit and relax in certain areas of these homes as seen here

Beatrix Potter, one of the country's best loved children's writers, was a relative of the family and often visited Melford. One sees references to this around the house
here we see the family's place cards on the dining table

Book cases everywhere

and the staircase to the side which is unusual

A stain glassed window depicting Queen Elizabeth I

the family chapel

the room where Beatrix Potter stayed

this toy duck was dressed by Beatrix Potter as the model for 
Jemima Puddleduck

One of the garden follies 

where an artist teaches people how to draw the illustrations in Beatrix books

Hope you found it interesting
I especially enjoyed a trip back to Summertime today as the weather here was so wet and nasty that it was dark by 3.0 pm

I am also excited to say that today I finished my Spring Cleaning
Can't believe it took until November but there was always something on throughout the year to stop me getting on with it
Can't say that life has quietened down now but probably just a little bit


  1. How fun to see all the little Beatrix Potter connections in such a stately home. It's amazing to think of Queen Elizabeth I visiting Melford Hall. Oh, the history!

    I would say that since you've completed your spring cleaning you can forget about autumn cleaning!

    Have a wonderful day. It's kind of dark here, too.

  2. The tour is always a pleasure, Barbara. I love anything B. Potter.
    Those parts made the day!

  3. How wonderful that families actually still live in such places even though the National Trust maintains them. Beatrix Potter has always been a favorite of mine so I found it interesting that she visited family here. Although we do have some sunshine today, it is cool and summer memories are always good things. I never got to spring cleaning and at this rate it'll wait til next Spring.

  4. I took a leisurely meander through all your photos (enlarged) and enjoyed observing all the little details. The room Beatrix Potter stayed in is quite pretty I think. And I can imagine the warmth of the sun there in the gardens on that sunny summer day. Thank you for the tour, Barbara.

  5. The more relaxed approach is quite strange still, when it used to be very much, look but don't touch.
    Another very interesting tour. The Beatrix Potter connection is like an added bonus!

  6. Bravo for completing your Spring cleaning, Barbara :)
    I especially love Potter's illustrations and the warmth they bring to any surrounding...even as grand as the Hall! xx from Gracie

  7. I would love to see the artist in action and have a go at doing some Beatrix Potter paintings. And so great to see the original Jemima!
    Thanks for another great tour.

  8. I continue to enjoy your tours of these stately homes, mansions, estates or whatever they are all called.
    Having read many English stories over the years, I feel like I'm visiting one of the estates of Jane Austen's writings.

    Mary from Canada

  9. Very interesting I was a big Beatrix Potter fan when I was younger.

    That stained glass window is fabulous.

  10. I am a Beatrix Potter fan, so this was a big treat. What an amazing house. I wonder if you've been able to visit B. Potter's Hill Top home? I've always wanted to visit.

  11. Hello Barbara. Enjoying your post today. Especially like the room/suite where Beatrice Potter stayed.

    I am so far behind on cleaning my home that I hope it is completed by next spring. Scary.

    This afternoon I hung Christmas Ornaments on one of our trees and am planning on cleaning the rooms as I decorate for Christmas! Praying for energy and enthusiasm.

    God bless you and may you have a wonderful Christmas Season!
    d from kansas

  12. Really enjoyed learning the Beatrix Potter connection. Great post.

  13. Sounds like a thoroughly delightful place to visit -- not just to look but to sit and enjoy and even participate in drawing!


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