Monday 12 November 2012

Garden and Grands and House Church in November

Finished at last - my Quirky corner mirror
It has taken so long through bad weather, guests, Alan having a nasty cold for 3 weeks, and the fact that our fence is not level or straight.
Our neighbours over the back are several feet lower than us due to living on a hill
so we are stuck with a concrete holding wall and concrete posts that go deep into the ground which are not in line from the time the house was built I guess
Bringing the fence in a couple of feet would not be a good idea as this would leave a 'no man's area' which would be overcome with weeds in no time
so it was not just a job of hanging the mirror but attaching it to a frame to make it level

I have always liked the idea of seeing my garden in reverse
and the sense of seeing beyond the fence!
I am sure there will be lots of pictures of this next Summer plus some bunting in the corner

Rose bed emptied and turned over
Will be planting with just one colour 
A David Austin deep red with gorgeous perfume
Having a change from mixed colour beds 

and this rose bed will be grassed over
when we first planted this one the shrubs on the left were small
now they are all mature it leaves little room for working around them so watch this space
we get so flooded here - this was after the water had receded

The delicacy of fading Autumn colours

enjoyed having the Grandchildren to stay during school half term

When did pyjamas begin to have Tutus on them ?

My first visit to a play barn (though not the Grands of course)
Here we see Oliver (centre) with friend

and 3 year old Rebekah coming down backwards

This was just after opening time
by the time we left it looked like a frenzy

They enjoyed the morning with the Grandchildren from next door
all of them with such high energy charging non-stop for nearly 2 hours - Grand parents and Mums exhausted from watching!

Had 24 adults and 4 children from House church for Soup and bread last night before a time of sharing
I made 12 portions of Carrot, Orange and Ginger soup
while others brought about 30 portions between them
Carrot, Lentils and Chilli, Mixed vegetables and Root Vegetables
Heating so much soup up at one time in the kitchen caused the windows in my kitchen , back sitting room and conservatory to stream with condensation afterwards
As outside was cold and wet it made me long for the warm Summer nights when one can open windows and doors 


  1. I'd love a Tutu on my jamies! LOL Cute grands... they sure are growing up.

  2. The mirror is a really fun idea. I like planning the garden for the following year, it gives us something to look forward to in the winter months.
    I wish I had tutu pyjamas, they are really cool!

  3. Glad the grands got to have some fun with other kids their age . . . they do have such energy at that age; it's good to burn some off!

    The flame tree/bush (if that is the proper name) in your garden is simply gorgeous! I like your mirror too.

  4. Your garden and your quirky corner are looking very nice and colourful.

  5. Ah yes....those summer days will be awhile in coming!!

    I alwas love seeing your garden and I love the mirror. It is such a great addition when you can reflect the beauty like that.

    The grands look as though they had a fabulous time. I think I can pass on the tutus on my own pajamas. How about you?

  6. What a beautiful garden and precious grandchildren!

  7. A gardener is always thinking ahead. I love the mirror idea, and have been thinking of ways to incorporate one into our garden here.
    For now, I'm glad the gardening is mostly done and I can concentrate on indoor projects, of which there are many.
    I love the sweet little one wrapped in her bathrobe and towel. Just darling.

  8. Your garden is beautiful in the fall!

  9. A wonderfu post full of this and that. Lovely colors in your garden this fall and those little ones are so cute.Grands do keep us hopping.

  10. I think tutu pajamas would be fun :) Lucky Rebekah!

    Loving the autumn colors in your photos. We have mostly pinkish or brownish sycamore leaves dropping.

  11. Your grandchildren are adorable! The mirror is very clever, I like that idea. I love your Autumn garden.

  12. Beautiful fall colors in your garden and the mirror is quite an interesting feature. The children all look like they are having a wonderful time.

  13. Hope you are well. Been busy here, more about that in my next blog post. Wonderful to check in and in read what you are up to.

    A magical mirror! :-)

    The soups sound healthy and warming!

    x Lorraine x


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