Sunday 21 October 2012

Kentwell Hall & Gardens Pt. 1

We were so pleased to find this gem Kentwell Hall
Although only 90 mins. from home we had never heard of it and only visited because we saw it on our Atlas when planning our holiday in Suffolk

The house is a loved and lived-in family home, something it has been for 500 years
Added to that so much history, beautiful gardens, a rare breed farm and many other interesting things to see in the grounds
We visited on our way to the cottage and spent most of the day there
I have lots of photos which will take a number of posts so will just take you walking around with us

Our first glimpse of a sculptured Cedar tree that was damaged in a storm

depicting The Tower of Babel

Very clever indeed

We will enter the house from this courtyard
note the mosaic yard

Before entering the lived in part of the house we see the old Tudor kitchens

and the old privy

and maid's parlour

and rush matting crib

We are now entering the main part of  the house and pass this fine sculpture

The house still has it's original panelling from 1550

Many interesting artefacts abound and there is definitely a Chinese connection

Tapestries too

and fine panelling even on the ceilings

In the next post I will be taking you through this door


  1. Beatiful! I love to visit places like this.

  2. It's grand to know that someone actually lives there. It must have been quite a tour. That paneling and the adornments are beautiful.

  3. Oh my goodness. We used to like to go there when we lived In Lavenham. Every summer they had Elizabethen days where lots of people dressed in authentic period costumes and participated in authentic activities which would have been going on in and around the house and grounds. My daughter just couldn't wait to be old enough to join in. Every piece of clothing - including even their shoes were hand made in the manner of the period!
    I'm glad you have discovered this place and I hope you have the time to return for more lovely days out.

  4. One's imagination could run wild in a place like that. Some great stories could be written. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

  5. So much rich history! Thanks for the amazing field trip.

  6. What is that huge bird flying over the home in the first picture? What an intriguing sculpture in the garden!

  7. These photos remind me of my cousin's stone house north of Boston, MA, USA. The house is around 300 years old with fireplaces in nearly every room. Such an incredible amount of work to manage keeping warm and cooking food to eat. But it is so interesting to me to see the craftsmanship that is displayed in your photos...and imagine the hours that folks took to create something that they found to be beautiful. Thanks for posting, Barbara. xx from Gracie

  8. A gem indeed. I thought I save a list of your favourite spots should I ever make it over to England, but it seems I'll just remember your blog :-)

  9. What an interesting place to discover. How good to know that it is still a family home, so many of the historic houses are just too expensive to keep up.

  10. Aren't you glad you don't have to cook in one of those Tudor kitchens? They are fun to look at and imagine, but I'd hate to be a scullery maid back then. Gorgeous panelings throughout the living areas. And how wonderful that the house is still loved and lived-in, not just a museum piece. Looking forward to the next part of your visit.


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