Saturday 20 October 2012

Autumn Garden

Bringing the roses in now as the rain and wind spoils them
Also we are digging out both island rose beds, 
replanting one with David Austin L D Braithwaite - a gorgious deep red (keeping my rose beds with one colour rather than the mixed beds I have had in the past)
and grassing over the other one as the shrub border alongside is now very mature  leaving little room between the rose bed and shrub border - also a little less work! 

The colours are changing

and all temporary Geraniums gone from new bottom area and keeping only Sedums, lavender, herbs and roses (less work and watering)
Butterfly from Joyce (USA guests)

and the newly planted grassy area growing well
but still have the slabs to level off and
'my special feature' to be finished
Have decided the bunting will not go up until the better weather in the Spring (if I have it made by then - I am not a 'sewer')

Thinking of my son Peter who is at this moment in the middle of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania (aprox 18,000 ft), having been on Safari in the Serengeti before ending his trip relaxing in Zanzibar.
Wishing him the best as I know he is hoping to make it to the summit - many don't 


  1. Beautiful roses Barbara, and a good idea to bring them inside to enjoy. Wishing your son much success with his climb.

  2. Gardening is just about done for here. This time of year all it seems we do is rake leaves. You have really put a lot of work into yours this year. I will pray too for your son . That is quite an adventure he is undertaking.

  3. Oh wow! Peter does mighty exciting things. Guess that he is one who likes to challenge himself. Praying for him and his group.

    Your garden looks beautiful in autumn and your home looks beautiful with the gathered bouquets of gorgeous roses.

  4. Thanks for sharing the photos of your lovely garden...such wonderful bouquets of roses!!!
    Blessings to you and your son as he ventures forth and you wait to hear of his adventures. xx from Gracie

  5. Your roses are so beautiful. I spent the morning cleaning out the garden, too, but there's lots more work to be done.
    Best wishes to Peter in attaining the summit. Our son did some climbs in Ecuador when we lived there - to above 20,000 feet. It takes a lot of stamina.

  6. Nothing quite like a David Austin rose, is there.

  7. Your roses are gorgeous and the garden is changing to beatiful colors. Praying for Peter!

  8. Barbara,
    I love your bowl of mixed rose blooms! It's funny, previously I leant towards white and pink roses, however I'm re-doing a long border in my garden and I'm going to mix it up more this time!!
    Keep us posted on Peter's climb, our children are much more adventurous than we ever were! Will keep them in my prayers too.
    Shane ♥
    PS On reading one of your previous posts where you mentioned Liberty's - visiting that store was to be one of the highlights on my first trip to London - I was so disappointed to find the prices were way out of my league, even then!!!

  9. God Bless Peter and hold him in the palm of His hands. Beautiful roses and fall color. Your gardens are so beautiful.

  10. Wonderful fall colours in your garden, Barbara. The purples are especially striking.

  11. Those are such gorgeous rose blooms.


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