Monday 22 October 2012

Kentwell Hall & Gardens Pt. 2

We have come through the connecting door ending the last post and entered another room. notice this ancient screen.

Passing some armour

and walking through another door 

into a room with a minstrel's gallery

very ornate ceiling in this room 

Did you notice the portrait of King Henry VIII

Wonder if the children swung around the pillars when young!

Interesting chest

Library and Billiard room

with the room off this obviously used by an artist

Walking back to the hallway

and up the stairs to the guest rooms

the first one obviously has Chinese influence
I seem to remember ancestors of the present family spending a lot of time in China

An en-suite bath

reflections in the dressing table mirror

and a smart four poster bed 

One more post on the house then it will be out into the grounds where there is lots to interest 


  1. Hard to imagine living in a house like that. Loved your photos, all so interesting.

  2. Wow! What history. So glad it has been preserved. Thank you Barbara for sharing your adventures. Have a Blessed day.

  3. This home is very interesting with so much to see. I am intrigued by the boxy chairs and sofas...perhaps designed to ward off drafts. They don't look especially comfortable. Lovely glimpse of you in the mirror. ☺

  4. How wonderful that visitors are permitted to take photos of the home. Wonderful details to absorb in every room.

  5. Like Vee, I find the boxy chairs and sofas intriguing and had a good time perusing all your photos in large format.

  6. I have just finished catching up on this spectacular home. I love that they have maintained it so well. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Also...congratulations to your son. That is quite an accomplishment. Just camping at 10,00 feet elevation makes me short of breath. I can't imagine hiking in air that light.

  7. I was interested in the chinese room. how very exotic. I know my husband would love the billiard room.


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