Tuesday 16 October 2012

All Good Things Come to an End

The evening after supper with Lord Carey (last post)
we were able to take Joyce and Don to 'The Burn'
I did not take photographs but the above link will tell you just what the burn is all about
More on Lord Carey's visit in above link for anyone interested

Monday, Joyce and Don's last day we eventually decided to drive to the Olympic site

All the temporary stuff is now being dismantled but there is still plenty to see, however we are not now allowed on the site till all dismantling is over

Of course the site is next to Westfield Mall so several hours were spent there shopping
There is a large outside shopping area too

Nobody sitting at this table

A very large eating area on 3 levels
apart from many other restaurants and coffee shops

Something I have not noticed before
the 4 red boxes (lower right) are for charging up ones phones and i-pads etc.

I have posted on Westfield many times so for now we are in Liberty where a small silk scarf costs £150 - just looking!

Not forgetting lunch in Jamie Oliver's

and our last evening at home together

with the girls chilling out in their 'sweats' after an extremely full 6 days 


  1. What a great visit you all had! i never saw charging stations for phones before. That's something our Mall doesn't offer. You certainly made the most of your friends visit. Many happy memories to be stored away.

  2. The four of you seemed to really get along well and enjoy each other's company. I'm glad you had such a good visit! The shopping mall looks very swanky...lots of high end goodies to window shop.

  3. Totally impressed with all the high society you are mixing with. Yes, Hugh Carey is much beloved.
    You are so good at showing off England to visitors.
    I think you are more energetic than I am!
    Arriving in London tomorrow for a very flying visit. I have bought a new mac ! (raincoat!)
    All best wishes to you both.

  4. What a fun and busy time you've had. The Olympic Village looks a little bereft, but will come to life again soon. Glad you had a good time with your friends.

    Thank you for all the recent comments on my posts!

  5. Aww! Very nice article Barbara. Makes me smile big, as I reminisce with you.
    It was a great visit and I am SO glad we had the opportunity to visit with you and Alan again this year.
    It was fun packed and eventful. Who would have thought I would have ever attend a "Conservative Party" dinner. HA!
    I was amazed at this in itself as we started off the night by singing "Oh For A Thousand Tongues."
    Very surreal.
    Thanks for the memories!
    Love, Joyce

  6. It seems you had a wonderful visit with your friends. The mall looks amazing and sure offers more than the old Stratford high street. But some of those prices are very steep, not sure the locals can afford them.

  7. Barbara, I followed the links you posted and enjoyed thoroughly exploring them! It excited me to recognize my world view so beautifully expressed. Today the study I attended was from the second of G. Cooke's the Way of the Warrior books. As we considered the examples of proclamation I was challenged to see how my intellect so often gets in the way of proclaiming the Good News. I also visited Joyce's blog to get to know her a bit better. Fun :) So glad you had a good visit!
    Thanks for posting. XX from Gracie


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