Saturday 6 October 2012

Harvest Supper with Rt.Hon Lord Carey of Clifton

Lord Carey is of course the Former Archbishop of Canterbury
Apologies for grainy photos (taken on my phone in low lighting)

A very caring and friendly man, seen here with myself and Andrew Rosindell our local Member of Parliament
He was the speaker at the Harvest Supper of our local Conservative  Christian Fellowship
His after dinner speech was inspiring and informative and he is not afraid to speak out the truth - I will have a copy of his speech eventually but suffice to say that he ended with saying we can make a difference because God is Able.

Here I am with our Lady Mayoress who is also a caring and friendly lady

The supper was hosted at our church and we can thank Julie next door for a great meal
Only got to photo the starter and dessert
Dessert was a trio of Iced Meringue Roulade, Caramel and Chocolate Cheescake and Profiteroles with a Raspberry Sauce

For a starter we had rings of Salmon Mousse, Couscous and Beetroot Cake and a Flaked Salmon Salad
the main course being Rustic Chicken and Vegetables

It just happens to be that we have my blogging friend Joyce and her husband Don staying with us for 6 days and we began our day by taking them to Pilgrims Hall for lunch
Quite a busy day with the Harvest Supper in the evening
Quite a lot going on while they are here which is good as Joyce was keen to experience life as we know it
Got the shopping and market experience over in the first 2 days

When they came last year they were able to experience house church with us but this year it is the first of the month so it will be 'house churches altogether for worship' so a slightly different experience for them
Tonight will be the BURN but more on that in another post and the guys and girls will be splitting up on Monday doing different things


  1. What an honour to meet Lord Carey!
    The supper looks very good, and so do you!

  2. Hello Barbara
    What a marvellous dinner – with careful planning - excellent choice of desserts!
    Some wonderful experiences for your blogging friend Joyce, I wonder where she is from.
    I'm in New Zealand so we experience similar things here to the UK and I think I would feel right at home with you!!
    Enjoy and have fun for the rest of your weekend!

  3. That must have been a very special Harvest Festival.

  4. So glad to read of good Christian fellowship.

  5. What a great time for your friend to be visiting with you. The food looks and sounds wonderful. As always I enjoyed hearing the news from your house. I hope you all continue to have a wonderful time.

  6. The photographs are good Barbara. Not sure my phone would take clear pictures.

    The Harvest Supper looks delicious and what interesting company you had.

  7. Busy interesting days, Barbara! So glad you are enjoying time with a blogging friend. When I started blogging I never did so with the intent of building friendships, but Friday I got to meet another blogger who lives about 6 hours drive away. We did not have any trouble keeping a conversation going! Blessings to you and Joyce and yours as you enjoy your visit. [I may have to Google BURN to find out what that is before your next post : )] xx from Gracie

  8. Blessings Barbara, another beautiful post.

  9. What a delightfully ENGLISH blog yours is! I've visited Lavenham and loved it. That afternoon tea looks great too!

  10. Interesting post, Barbara. Of course, it's an election year here in the US and I've traveled to meet candidates and talked with local representatives as well! How exciting! Beautiful food!

  11. sounds like a lovely evening. What a fabulous meal.

  12. You look great, Barbara. I like your scarf. You are obviously keeping very busy these days!


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