Friday 15 June 2012

Colours at Sundown

I love how the colours change in the garden at different times of day. Here we are looking at it before sunset with the sun behind us on the one and only dry day that we had last week.
Otherwise we have had storms and flooding and high winds.
More forecast for tonight and tomorrow.

We had to cancel our annual Open Day at Pilgrims Hall tomorrow because of flooded and waterlogged fields 

We will go to our local neighbourhood Jubilee Parade and Fun Day instead 

The mellowness of evening

Also the week when the grand children came to stay
That supposedly quiet time before bed

and in the coffee shop with Oliver who stayed much longer than Bekah as it was school half-term


  1. Looks like you had a good time with the grandkids and I bet they like coming to your house too. Let us hope your beautiful garden will see more sun than rain next week. We had hail just a little bit ago.

  2. What terrible weather you have been is no Summer at the moment.
    Your garden is looking beautiful.

  3. I enjoyed your mellow evening garden photos full is all so lush and green.

    The little ones aren't so little anymore! Looks like they are enjoying your company very much.

  4. Eileen says that in WI we are having a drought--no rain for quite a few days --would love some of your rain. Grandchildren are precious. Our grandchildren love to come a stay over at grandma and grandpa's house

  5. Well, glad you had a sunny day and good times with your grands. All the rain certainly makes me appreciate the sun more when it shines:)
    Gracie <3

  6. The grandchildren look like they could go on for another couple of hours!
    Last week I wandered out into the garden in the evening, to enjoy the results of my hard work of that day. I sat down, and it started to rain! Oh well, at least it stayed dry long enough to get the work done.

  7. Looks like your grandkids are keeping you young!
    Your garden is beautiful.

  8. I love how the sun lights up the tree tops in the garden and it looks like it is doing well even with all that rain you've been having. We had record rain last year, but so far this year it's been very dry. Nice to see you and your grandchildren enjoying some time together. It's been busy days for me this week with family visiting here. Hope your Saturday is a super one!

  9. I love twilight. This time of year it lingers so long.

  10. Well, the garden looks suitably lush from all the rain --super yellow iris.
    So wonderful to see the grandchildren having fun.
    Sunny in New York at last!

  11. It's hard to believe those grands are so big already. Looks like you all had a fun time together.


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