Saturday 16 June 2012

Bits of Allsorts

Surprised to visit the Olympic site this week to find that we could not enter and drive through the Olympic village. Instead we had to take a long detour to enter from the South side.
From this coming Tuesday all the car parks will be closed for general use until after the Olympics (2 months)
Having these events nearer home do have their downsides

My reason for visiting Westfield shopping centre (next to the site) was to go to the Croc shop to buy a pair of Croc Wellingtons.
We are going away next week and the possibility of tramping through muddy and waterlogged fields was not so appealing without them
These are so light that you can pick them up (using the pull-on hole) with your little finger

The Mother of all cakes in Lakeland

A little progress to report on the bottom garden project
A dry day at present is so precious and here is one
Fence up and stained and roses in place

Having a lower fence in corner as I have just got to know my neighbour over the back as a result of removing the fence and she was sad to think we could no longer chat in the garden.
Result a lower fence topped with some trellis which feels like standing in a cage!

and yes I do some of the hard work

We have had lots more rain and gale force winds since I took these pictures a couple of days ago

The rain held off for our neighbourhood Jubilee Parade and Fun Day but the wind was so strong that tents and Gazebos were blowing down so many had to be taken down prematurely
Hard to stand up out on the sports fields
I took photos of the parade but there were lots of children in them so decided not to post

Our local Member of Parliament in the centre
He is a great guy and supports everything and has brought a Christian influence to Parliament in the 10 years he has been in office

Need I say anything!

Well we are off again to Pomona's cottage in Kent
You may remember we met as bloggers and visited last year and thoroughly enjoyed our break so looking forward to meeting up again and the weather forecast shows some sunny days!!!
Have a great week everyone 


  1. Wow, the olympic village is awesome and I love the croc boots. Your garden looks like it is coming along beautifully, God gave you quite a gift!

  2. Loving the progress of your garden and look at you all strong and shoveling away.

    The lady's dress - sort of speechless. LOL

    Strange Olympic set up. It's in the midst of London isn't it? I wonder how it will be used afterwards.

  3. Your garden project is coming along so well. It's going to be lovely when completed. And your roses - not a hint of black spot, which is a scourge for mine. How lovely are those blooms!

  4. I had no idea that Crocs made rain boots. What a good idea.

  5. Oh Barbara. I LOVE seeing a garden take shape and appreciate your sharing the "during" and not only the "after"! Those roses have a love background. I've just bought two Double Delights to replace the two that are failing. Will probably plant them later today.

    Hope the sun shines for your visit to Kent

  6. That was a lovely trip with you guys! The garden is coming along well.

  7. Enjoy your holiday! I do hope the sunny days materialize for you. Now I'm off to visit Pomona's's been too long since I stopped by.

  8. Thanks for the lovely visit, Barbara. I enjoyed it and hope you have a fine time in Kent :)
    Gracie <3

  9. Boy...they are surely being cautious with the security. It is a real inconvience for everyone.

    The garden is making great headway with all your help. I like the idea of the low fence. need to say more! Have a fantastic trip.

  10. Wonderful photos of intriguing things! That beachy cake and all the upper levels is amazing.

    So glad that the weather has cooperated a bit allowing things to get done. How good of you to adjust the fence a bit to be able to continue relationship with the neighbor! Perhaps you'll actually sit down to tea one day in the garden on the same side of the fence!

    Enjoy your time away and the wearing of the wellies in swampy fields. Hopefully, they won't be as bad as you think.

  11. This has been a dreadful summer hasn't it. We didn't need any more rain when the moaners were on about it as we had enough water in the Kielder Reservoir, always seems to be full. We came back from holiday in April to discover that the summer had been & gone! Maybe it's warmer down south but it is so cold here I often get my woolly jumpers out. Must get into the garden if it's ever warm enough! Yours looks great.

    Love the crocs Barbara. Haven't seen them before.

  12. what fun for me to see what goes on in different parts of this world!! thanks!
    your garden looks lovely!

  13. Hi Barbara,
    It's very interesting to read about Olympic details on your blog. I do hope you continue telling us how you are faring during the actual time of the Olympics.
    Your garden is coming along so well...loved seeing you at work.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. :) Love the photo of the lady with the flags dress!

    HUGS Lorraine


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