Sunday 10 June 2012

Celebrations Continue

Continued to celebrate yesterday at our local Conservative party HQ with a Diamond Jubilee Extravaganza!

The Cake

Local HQ

A nicely set up Tearoom inside with lots to choose from the buffet

Outside food stalls featuring foods from many of the Commonwealth countries
Our town Lady Mayoress in red 

Young people's band

Our local member of Parliament

The Toast

This gentleman on the right (Lloyd Thomas from Montserrat in the West Indies is presenting the Mayoress with a gift for our Queen) - more on this at end of post 

The young band played 
Land of Hope & Glory at the beginning and the end

Always brings tears to me eyes because as a child I witnessed hundreds of Prisoners of War disembarking from the ships that carried them home while this was being played

Time to cut the cake

Yours truly with Lloyd Thomas and holding photographs of the Sceptre that was presented for the Queen
It was made out of pure gold and inlaid with pearls, diamonds, sapphires and rubies
When asking Lloyd about this gift he said that it had taken 14 years to collect the gems and he felt so proud and privileged to be able to bring it over and present it as his country were so, so grateful to our Monarch and all that she meant to them along with all the help the British had given them over the decades
Quite humbling! 


  1. What a happy time, Barbara and the weather was ideal. Lloyd Thomas is such a distinquished looking man.

  2. This looks like a splendid event, Barbara.
    Your memories of the disembarking Prisoners of War is very moving indeed, I can quite understand why that song would bring tears to your eyes.
    The sceptre looks incredible, and what lovely words from Mr Thomas.
    Thoroughly enjoyed this post. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, Barbara, how I do love reading your blog. This was a wonderful post, I've enjoyed reading all week about the Jubilee celebrations. What a good post!

  4. Looks like a festive occasion and you certainly had your share of dignitaries visiting. I like the last photo...he's a very dignified gentleman I think. What a remarkable gift for the Queen and an interesting story.

  5. Reading your blog is like being there! Thanks so much for the Jubilee story!

  6. Thanks for including me in your festivities through your pictures and stories, Barbara. You help me appreciate and understand more about my British heritage and how amazingly God draws us together from around the world to be one in Christ.
    Joy to you and yours,
    Gracie <3

  7. That is such a great event. And the other icing on the cake - a rare day without rain. I'll bet you really enjoyed it.

  8. Your country certainly knows how to celebrate. Thank you for bringing us a little bit of England in each post.

  9. What a happy time of celebration for you all! I enjoyed all the pictures. Glad you had a beautiful day there and everyone could enjoy it to the fullest!

  10. what a fabulous collection of photos to mark the occasion :))

  11. It looks like a wonderful celebration with a perfect weather day too.

  12. I found this post so incredibly interesting! I enjoy American politics so much and your post was a wonderful glimpse into British life allowing me to learn something about your beautiful country. I was fascinated! Thanks you for sharing!

  13. Thank you for sharing such a memorable moment...of YOURS!!

    I would also be touched by the song...I've been reading The Diary of Anne Frank again and found wonderful youtube movies...

    So humbling..all around to be thankful for Helpers in our times of need.

    Thank you


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