Thursday 17 November 2011

Late November Garden

Thank you for all the lovely comments and best wishes for my last post
I really want to get on with all my Summer postings but first
I think it worth a look at the garden today

Looking out from the kitchen

and from upstairs

and my new roses still in flower
I have on order 4 of these bushes to replace my Lavender bed
and a climbing one for behind to give a big splash of this
beautiful pink Strawberry Hill by David Austin
Back to Summer in my upcoming posts
I think I am up to July!


  1. I love the fall colors in the garden. Gorgeous DA rose!!!

  2. Your kitchen view is beautiful - looks like it would make doing the dishes fun. We haven't had a killing frost yet, so my roses are blooming - a good thing, since they didn't bloom much during the summer. I'm looking forward to seeing your summer pictures.

  3. Your garden is just beautiful!
    Love the rose too.
    You must totally enjoy sitting in that chair and just soaking it all in. :-)
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. Lots of lovely autumn colour still. It looks very pretty.

  5. Your garden still looks very lovely. Most everything is bare looking in ours, but there still remain a few roses on the bush and that does help to brighten things up. It will bloom till it's frozen out...which may be very soon it is very cold here today. Hope your Thursday is a wonderful one!

  6. What a gorgeous lot of color you are enjoying. The bush with all the varying foliage is scrumptious. And the roses still blooming are amazing!

  7. Whenever I am in England, I marvel at the gardens. My in-laws laugh at me taking photos of their back garden, but it is beautiful, just like yours! You may have the Eiffel Tower, lovely as it is, I will take an English garden, any day!

  8. Lots of lovely things in your garden still - it looks very pretty.

    Pomona x

  9. Hello Barbara. Your post is lovely with the pictures of your Garden.
    So pretty!

    God bless,

  10. Stunning how much color your still have mid-November.
    We're awash with falling leaves here.

  11. To every season its color and scent! I always enjoy the views of your garden.

  12. your window is WONDERFUL...such a view! I would love to stand there all day...even doing dishes!!

    I hope you are doing well and blessings fill your days.


  13. I always love to see your beautiful garden. I wish you could come and help me make mine as lovely as yours! I loved the view from your window.

  14. Love the view from your window and the color in your garden. Is the white a hydrangea? The rose is so beautiful ~

  15. Such a great way to start any day to the view of a beautiful garden out the window.

  16. Hello Barbara

    Lovley view of Autumn colors.

    The colors have been unreal in the area where I live, but now all the trees are becoming empty.

    Take Care

    Tracy :)

  17. Hey Barbara!
    If you get a chance, look at my post "England At Her Best!". I think your post was a bit of an inspiration to me... look and you will see why!

  18. Ahhhh. More DA roses. Love all their pink roses -- can never get enough. Hope they do well for you in their new homes. I'm not sure what that orangey and dark rounded leaf tree (shrub?) is, but I love the colour change in them.

  19. Dear Barbara, reading this blog about your English garden has definitely persuaded me to choose an English style. Recently, I was up to find the right way of changing the look for my flowerbeds, however I was still hesitating between various garden designs. Thank you and good luck :)


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