Sunday 20 November 2011

London on a July Sunday Pt.1

It is hard to imagine that I am posting on July - the time just flies by and I am not the only one saying that

Here we have just parked on the Embankment and it is always good to start our day with coffee at one of the restaurants at
Somerset House (where all records are kept)
Here we are looking at Tom's that looks out over the river

It's quite early for a Sunday so not many people around yet

We are today going in the opposite direction to my April postings
we are walking in an easterly direction along the north side of the river to begin with
If you like walking then come with us - it is going to be a long day

Looking back

Waterloo Bridge

walking under the bridge

Lots of refurbishment on Blackfriars Bridge

Then we come to the Millenium bridge
when this was first built it swayed so much that some people became dizzy so it had to be stabilised

Southwark Bridge

To the left of the bridge are the steps up to St. Paul's but we will be leaving that until later
instead we are now going to cross the bridge onto the South Bank

This new 'not yet finished' building called The Shard can be seen from home. Will eventually be the tallest building in Europe

stabilisers on the bridge

Many apartments along the riverside

Looking up the river towards Tower Bridge

and now down on to the South Bank for the next post
Alan likes people watching


  1. Thank you once again for sharing all the wonderful places you go. It is always a delight to walk along with you and much easier this way too. It is a city of many bridges. Looks like you had the perfect day for being out and about. Hope this Sunday is a wonderful one for you.

  2. A great walk. I've still got photos from August that I haven't sorted. let alone posted! I'm happy to see people's photos from any time of the year,

  3. It looks like it was a wonderful July day to be out and about too. I would not care to walk on the Millenium bridge if it swayed that much.

  4. Thank you! I am ready for the South Bank! Then, could we go somewhere for some fish & chips? Or perhaps a cup of coffee and a Mars bar? Hey, I'm cheap!

  5. Thanks for the warmth. I know that is funny coming from California, but on your blog it is July, and here it's cold (for us anyway). The sunny sky and the summery feel is just what I needed this morning. (Don't get me wrong, fall is my favorite season partly because it is cool.) Love the pictures of St. Paul's from a different angle. We were there in the later 90s on tour with hubby's brother. I'd read a novel about the plague that included the old St. Paul's. Thanks for the bridges.

  6. I am back again for another walking tour of London. It's like being there for me! Thank you so much.

  7. Yes, you often catch him people watching, don't you! The Shard looks as if it will be a wonderful building. How neat that you can see it from your home. Yes, time is moving so quickly; you're definitely not the only one to think so.

  8. I remember that bridge...your post has sent me back to June 2009!

  9. Swaying bridges! Well I can see why people got dizzy you don't expect bridges in cities to sway do you :-}

    xxx Lorraine xxx

  10. On cold, gray days it is always nice to look back on warm, sunny memories.

  11. You find interesting things to photograph and write about no matter where you go.

  12. I enjoy looking at your pictures so much. Having never been to London, it's so interesting to me since it is the one place I want to go more than anywhere else.

  13. I had lunch at Tom's a couple of weeks ago! But we sat inside in the deli cafe - did you visit the Courtauld? One of my favourites.

    Pomona x


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