Sunday 13 November 2011

80 Years Young

The comedy book I gave Alan for 80 year olds does not remotely  mirror his life but it was funny all the same
I congratulated him on 'getting there' but also said 'it was too soon'
How could my young and handsome husband be 80!! 

Here we see his birthday cake at the party I put on for him
In case you wondered, it is a golf bag

Making life easy with a cold buffet
we were very blessed to have guests contribute food
and I bought lots of delicious desserts that I forgot to photograph

He enjoyed an evening with friends and our children and grandchildren

Some quick random shots around the house - hopefully unobserved

Bekah wants to be involved in the cutting of the cake

The feedback today was that everyone enjoyed just being together while chatting and sharing a meal amidst an enjoyable and peaceful atmosphere

The above is the basis of a card I made for him with a few glimpses of his life

His main presents were a laptop and kindle and some money to treat himself (a very difficult thing for Alan to do)


  1. What a wonderful party to honor that handsome man of yours!

  2. What a lovely day for a very lucky man. Love the cake!!! I am sure the laptop and Kindle will be used. What a milestone. Enjoy it together.

  3. Wish him happy birthday from me, and tell him that he does not look 80! I am glad you had a lovely party - and I just adore your wedding dress - so beautiful.

    Pomona x

  4. What a lovely day and some great informal photos, Barbara.

    I love the cake cutting and the mosaic of his life.

    May you and Alan have many more happy years.

  5. Happy birthday, Alan. What a nice gathering to usher in your 80th year.
    Many more to come...Balisha

  6. Happy Birthday Alan! What a wonderful celebration you all had there. There is just nothing like a good time spent with family and friends. The golf bag cake is so cute. That would be perfect for some in my family too.

  7. Happy 80th to Alan!
    Love the birthday cake. All the food looks great and it looks like everyone had a great time.
    My dear father-in-law who lives in Eastbourne turned 80 in October and he doesn't look it either...

  8. Congratulations to your husband. God bless you both.

  9. A very happy birthday to Alan from The Professor and Willow! We wish him many more years to faithfully serve our Lord Jesus.

  10. Looks like a wonderful gathering of friends and family to honor such a birthday. Alan's making 80 look fantastic! That's a great cake, Barbara. I knew exactly what it was.

    It is our habit to sing a special birthday song, which goes this way:

    A happy birthday to you
    A happy birthday to you
    Every day of the year
    May you feel Jesus near
    A happy birthday to you
    A happy birthday to you
    And the best year you've ever had!

  11. Fabulous! I see that your house was JAM packed! The cake is great...glad you all had a such a good time and great turn out for this celebration. I know it will be a wonderful memory for you both.
    Will send you an email soon.

  12. Belated Happy Birthday to Alan! I think you planned the very best kind of party - casual, but with lots of good things to eat and wonderful friends and family to visit with.

  13. Wishing Alan a very happy birthday, belated as it might be :)

    Arnab Majumdar

  14. A belated Happy Birthday to Alan. I really like the card you made for him. It is always so rewarding when you get positive feedback following an event such as this. I hope he enjoys his Kindle, I love mine!

  15. Looks like a great get together!
    Lovely birthday card too with great photos of your husbands life,happy birthday to Alan!

  16. He's still handsome! Glad your celebrations went off well. The food looked delicious.

  17. Happy Birthday Alan! Wishing peace and joy to the entire family!
    Looks like a warm and happy gathering, and the cake looks great! :)

  18. Happy Birthday Alan! Wishing you both many more happy years together.
    Beautiful cake, card, and friends and family!
    God bless,

  19. To be surrounded with family and friends is a wonderful way to celebrate one's 80th birthday...congratulations to Alan, and may each passing year be sweeter than the last!

  20. Happy Birthday to your husband! Wishing you many more years together...

  21. Hope you had a great day, Alan!

    Lovely pictures

    Tracy :)

  22. What a great party you had for your "young" husband. I am sure everyone really did enjoy the time together and what great gifts he got too.

  23. Lovely day and a special time for all. I love the card for your husband with all his pictures in it. Do I detect a resemblance to Oliver in the bottom left hand corner? Maybe it was the smile.

  24. Many Happy Returns of the Day! Greetings from Roumania

  25. What a lovely way to celebrate the blessings of your husband's life! Belated birthday wishes to him.


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