Sunday 3 April 2011

Must be Spring - It's April

Spring is in the air!
If you look closely, especially if you click for a full screen,
you might just see Mrs Blackbird sitting on her nest
It takes me back to a time which I call one of my "Memorable Moments" when one of my cats took a baby Blackbird in it's mouth, ran into the  house and up into a bathroom.
The memorable bit is that Mother Blackbird flew into the house after her and perched on the shower rail chirping so hard until my cat let the baby bird go, whereon the Mother immediately herded it back downstairs and out into the garden.
One of those moments when one wishes a camera had been close.
It was amazing to see.

It's good to see the garden awakening from it's winter sleep
even though it is a time of hard work outside

The sticks are  not very photogenic but they are there to deter the Heron from taking more of our fish
We had about 70 last Summer but so far this year have only seen
5 at one time. Hopefully there may be more  hiding

Sky from my window last evening as the sun set lighting up the clouds

Nothing to do with Spring but a fun photo
Taken on a ramble in the village of Goldhanger
To get water from this village pump one has to work hard as seen on the right of the photo


  1. Barbara: your photos are always so pretty! Our spring is not quite as advanced yet as yours is, it seems, though I did post a few pics of crocus yesterday. Lovely flowers you have!

  2. What lovely Spring pictures, and how sweet to see the blackbird! It's the season now for the nests, and our birds are very busy here.

  3. What a wonderful post! I love the bird story. Would make a great children's book. And your garden!!! Very pretty. Sorry about your fish. And the historic pump... I had to have my hubby come and see that! Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy your blog!

  4. It's looking very colorful in your garden these days! That was an amazing story about the blackbird and its baby...what a devoted mother!

  5. It's lovely to see your Spring blooms! We've still been to cold for much at all to grow let alone bloom. It will come though we just have to be patient it seems. I hope your Sunday has been a lovely one. It's late afternoon here so I know it is late evening there.

  6. Beautiful flowers! Beautiful story about the birds and the cat. I love the ending.
    Have a Blessed day.

  7. The garden is waking nicely! The bird upon her nest looks a bit fierce. I chuckled to realize that her eyes were focused right on you. And I also enjoyed enlarging other photos to see what I could see...rubber gloves upon the line for example. I'm such a snoop! Nice to see a post, Barbara. Hope that spring is treating you well.

  8. Hurray, spring really is coming! I love the daffodils and crocuses. Even though it's a busy time, I do love getting out in to the garden in the spring.

  9. Oh those hyacinths. I can almost smell their sweetness from here. Spring is firmly established - how glorious.

  10. I can almost smell the scent from the hyacinths! Lovely photos,it is indeed a time of work in the spring garden but thats what makes it enjoyable too!

  11. Hi Barbara. Yes I can smell the hyacinths too! Must've been quite an aroma. Blessings... hope you are well. :)

  12. Sweet Spring blessings to you!

    Cute story about cat and baby bird! Exciting moments like this add zest to our days.

    Soooo glad Spring is here.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven in Kansas

  13. Spring is beautiful in Paris right now too.

  14. Enjoyed viewing your Spring blooms, so pretty! I'm just looking for a "weed" out there somewhere! LOL Still a lot of snow in our neck of the country.

    But I know Spring is in the air, I can feel it in my bones. And we had 20-30 Robins in the front of the house the other day taking baths in melted snow puddles, I was too late with my camera, rats!

  15. Beautiful hyacinths, I can just smell their lovely fragrance!

  16. Your hyacinths and daffs look very springy indeed, Barbara :-) I hope you have a bloom-filled, fragrant, colourful, wonderful spring.

  17. Wow your are way ahead of us on spring. Your hyacinths are gorgeous and always your Berginia is amazing.

    Have a lovely Easter with the grands. I already bought my babies there treats too!


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