Saturday 26 March 2011

It's True!

I do have lots to post about but time has been in short supply recently with so many things on the agenda so just a little 'snippet' to keep in touch.
Yes, it's true I began this embroidery before I was married over 50 years ago and I have not even finished one corner.
It is a beautiful large linen table cloth
bordered with Nottingham lace.
I would like to finish it but do not know if I ever will.
I have given away a number of half finished tapestries and embroidery projects in the past to people who have been keen to finish them but did not want to part with this.

The napkins are bordered in the lace too

Changing the subject!
What happened to plain old fashioned Easter eggs
Do I buy what to me are 'real' Easter eggs
or do I buy what Oliver and Rebekah will love?
Yes, I succumbed as you see

I did not even understand this one but apparently when watching the programme one is not supposed to know who Stig is.
The egg is full of chocolate racing cars and racing cars are Oliver's favourite toy at the moment


  1. Barbara, the embroidery is absolutely gorgeous! There's nothing I love more than embroidery and lace. I have a closet full of unfinished embroidery and etc. projects just waiting to be finished. I encourage you to finish that lovely item--tell me the same! Ha, ha! Blessings!

  2. Your handwork is absolutely gorgeous! Could you do a bit at a time or are you like me? You know you would LOVE to do it but also know it won't happen?

    Fun to see the Easter treats. How they've changed through the years! I need to shop for my grandchildren's Easter, too.

  3. What beautiful embroidery you did. It is hard to find the transfer type now.

  4. You could have bought both kinds and told the children that when they were older and grown they would prefer the 'real' ones :)

    Do you have a plan now to finish the tablecloth and napkins?

  5. What a lovely tablecloth when it is finished!!!

    I'm afraid I'm an Easter purists!

  6. Could you get someone to do it for you ? It will be so beautiful and after 50 years that will be like giving away hu---- well all most. LOL
    I am sure the kitties will like the new Easter egg things best.

  7. Hello Barbara.
    Lovely linens...I hope you finish them. Absolutely beautiful.

    The chocolate candy is delicious and I know your Grands will be delighted.

    Bunnies are popping up in the house in excitement for Easter.
    God bless you and may you have a sweet life,

  8. That is such a lovely piece of work, but I can see how intimidating it would be because of its size. Perhaps you could hand it around and it would come back to you finished? Sometimes I have lovely pipe dreams.

    I've not seen any Easter eggs that unique. I've just purchased the regular egg-looking eggs. I'm sure the grands will be suitably impressed.

  9. Hi Barbara...what can I say to make you finish that beautiful cloth? Just think how lovely it will look on your table.
    Your little grandkids will love their Easter treats.My grandkids talk about things that I don't even understand.The world has changed...I guess we should try to keep up. Balisha

  10. Your embroidered table cloth is delicate and beautiful. Something to be treasured by you and your family, as well as the memmories of grandma buying the coolest Easter eggs.
    Many Blessings.

  11. Your embroidery is beautiful. I hope you can get it done and enjoy it. I have odd assorted pieces in my sewing basket too that I started years ago and never finished. There truly isn't enough time for all I like to do so I have to prioritize. I love the cute Easter candy. I usually try and stick with the traditional, but maybe the grand babes would like something like that for a change. Still Easter to me is a time for chocolate bunnies. Times are changing.

  12. You MUST finish this gorgeous table cloth!
    Nothing so charming as a prettily set table -- garden flowers in the middle. Homemade treats.
    You will (I command!) do a blog post of your table-cloth-finishing celebration.
    As regards eggs and good taste and bad (children's!!!) taste, I think you are doing the right thing.....
    Not sure if Henry, aged 15 months, will be allowed a chocolate egg. His parents certainly gobble them up.
    The other day Kristin made cookies and after lunch all the 'grown-ups' had a cookie and H. noticed and let out such a he was given a little corner. Steamed brocolli and zucchuni don't really measure up!
    Still below freezing in the mornings here.

  13. I love the delicacy of the embroidery design, Barbara, and what you have completed is very beautiful.

    Easter treats certainly aren't what they used to be! Or, at least, some very strange (to me) new items have been added over the years. I'm so out of touch with what the youngsters are into these days! However, candy, even in its newest forms, is sure to be well received.

  14. My granddaughters love Hello Kitty stuff and lots of chocolate :-)

  15. I love that embroidered tablecloth. Maybe you could do a progress report from time to time. I have a baby afghan I'n knitting for about 4 years now. The baby who was to get it (grandniece) is going on to 4 and there's been several new ones since that. I'm debating openning it all up (because I'm not making progress) and giving away the yarn. But that seems a shame too. Mary H

  16. Your embroidery is exquisite, I would hold onto it also. I too have several unfinished things, who knows. It may be one day we will take it in hand again.

  17. Beautiful embroidery work Barbara! It reminds me of the things my grandmothers used to do and taught me to do as well :-)

  18. Barbara, that is such a wonderful table cloth. Try to finish it for a family keepsake. Easter is around the corner, wish I had Grandchildren.

  19. I always enjoy visiting your blog!


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