Monday 11 April 2011

London on an April Sunday Pt.1

The Mellenium ferris wheel known as the London Eye

We have had a short unseasonal heatwave and with temperatures yesterday hitting 73f and knowing we will be back to 55f by
mid-week, we decided to spend  Sunday walking in London. We arrived about 10.40 am and apart from a few breaks for tea and snacks, we walked until about 4.45 pm
I took 230 photos and have kept 166 so plan to post most of those over the coming weeks
London has a very different atmosphere on a Sunday
For this post we will concentrate on The London Eye 

We have parked the car and are walking along the Embankment on the north side of the river Thames
In the distance we see the wheel
We come to the footbridge running along the railway bridge and walk to the south side known as The South Bank
(no, that is not us in the photo)

Lots to see before we get there but that's for another post

The queues are enormous and  I am glad that I am not joining them

The Houses of Parliament on the opposite side
A mixture of different views

The last one being from Westminster Bridge

Going to take me a while to sort my photos but I'll get there


  1. We were in London with my bros. in law, they are dual citizens, and walked the streets - late in the evening. How wonderful! And I never felt afraid... spiked haired kids walking around, too, and not menacing us. You don't know how freeing that is. You have a wonderful country! I enjoyed it alot, and enjoy your blogging about it, too! Thanks for all the extra work you do to bring it to us, Barbara.

  2. My grandson went up and was very impressed. I couldn't stand all those queues.

  3. Ferris wheels are my favorite rides. I imagine the views are spectacular. Still shaking my head thinking of you walking all day long! Will be on watch for more photos... Hope that all is well with you and Alan and your grands and children and church family.

  4. Great pictures Barbara. I for one, would not be one of the participants for that ferris wheel! I would rather enjoy from the ground!

  5. Oh, I wish I could have walked in London with you. If I ever get to come your way maybe we can stroll together and you can show it all to me. I'm sure I would be in the queues with the crowd - I wouldn't want to miss a thing!

    Thank you for yaking us along with you, I can't wait to see more!

  6. I'm glad that you had such a lovely day to visit London. The Eye is such an impressive structure. Have you been on it before?

  7. London is a beautiful city,are you going to watch the royal wedding?I will be glued to the tv as I was for Charles and Diana!
    Lovely photos and that blue sky is heavenly.

  8. Beautiful views, and a Blessed day to take a walk. What more could one ask for? Looking forward to more posts. Have a great day.

  9. A great variety of views of the Eye. I don't like queueing either.

  10. Splendid pictures!
    I have no desire at all to go on the wheel but loved seeing pictures of it.
    Yes, blogging turns one into a positive shutterbug!

  11. Thank you for going walking in London on a Sunday...looking forward to your future posts. When we visited London I was certain that we would ride the Eye, but on the day we walked past there (from St. Paul's, crossing over the Thames on that bridge that goes to the Tate Modern, and then down the river toward the Eye...) the queues were very long and the place was unbearably crowded so we didn't stop. Maybe next really would be interesting to see the view from the top of the wheel.

  12. Hi Barbara. I'd heard of the London Eye before but didn't realize how huge it was! Your photo showing the little pods that carry, what, a dozen people gave a good sense of scale.

  13. I'm planning a trip to England sometime this year and my mother keeps trying to convince me to ride the Eye, despite my fear of heights and tiny budget. Humph!

    Do you love Great Britain? Come on over to the Britophile's sanctuary where you'll find pictures, video, recipes, history, news, and more!

  14. Some great shots Barbara! What perfect weather it has been! I've done the Eye 3 times so far but never at night. Blessings to you!


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