Sunday 20 March 2011

Lunar Perigree with Sky and Faith

Out came the camera last night to capture the Lunar Perigree (the moon being it's closest to earth) and fortunately the sky was clear so got a great view.
As I so often say I like all kinds of clouds and sky
The following was taken a little while ago and having taken  the photograph I read in the media that this is a new form of cloud
Aspertus Cloud apparently

As a house church we again had permission to meet in the Christian chapel in our local hospital today for a time of praise and worship and prayer, praying for the hospital, staff, patients and visitors etc.

What was different this morning was that a patient in the hospital who had given birth 3 days ago to a sick child who was on a ventilator had woken on the ward with a strong sense that she was to go to the chapel at 10.0 am. She told the medical staff that she was going no matter what was happening on the ward at that time. She did not know why but of course 10.0 am is the time that we commence our time of praise and worship there.

She stayed with us for the whole time, joining in and receiving prayer for herself and her baby.
Very encouraging - we want more of this Lord 


  1. Lovely shot of the bright and round. (That's one of my big problems, I tend to get odd moon shapes.)

    The story you share about the new mother just proves that God is always at work. I am certain that she was very blessed by the service just as you were blessed to know that the Holy Spirit had nudged her in your direction.

  2. Awesome shot of that huge, bright moon, you could almost read a book outside by it's brightness.
    Blessings that mum and baby were able to gather and worship.

  3. What a touching story. There was definitely something drawing her there at that percise time.

    We were saddened to miss the big moon as our clouds have been so thick. We actually had almost 4' of rain today (unheard of) and we had no prower from about noon until 4:30 p.m.

  4. What an encouragement for you all to witness God calling someone to join you like that.

  5. Our prayers are with the mother and baby
    and all the people suffering in Japan also.
    love and greetings from NY where it snowed
    this morning!

  6. That was a lovely photo and a lovely story Barbara. Hope you are both keeping well.

  7. Sounds like a Divine appointment!

  8. that is wonderful - hope mum and baby are doing well. Judyx

  9. What a blessing to see the sensitivity of the Lord's people to His leading. "My sheep hear My voice," as our Shepherd and Lord has said. So good that you could be there to pray with this young mother. I love it when we have specific indications of His working in hearts. Yet He is doing it all the time and many times we'll never know this side of Heaven.

    The Lunar pictures were amazing! Thank you for letting us see them from your vantage point!

    Blessings today.

  10. Great story Barbara! The moon shot is so bright! I sort of missed it ha ha

  11. Your photos are gorgeous but my heart was so touched with the way God led a new mother in need to your group who could minister to her hurting heart. Don't you just love the way God works? When we least expect it?

  12. What a wonderful experience for your church as well as the mother. I think the idea of gathering together in the hospital chapel for prayer & praise for all concerned is a truly lovely one & I'm sure the Lord will continue to work through these times.


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