Wednesday 16 March 2011

Card Making and Signs of Spring

With my card stocks depleted it was time to begin to build up again
At least I have made a start

There is a little colour beginning to show up in the garden and I have begun to do some Spring pruning but the weather has not been co-operating. After one beautiful cold but sunny day, this week has so far been dull and foggy 

Every sunset is different so it was good to catch this one last week

Life has been particularly busy and Saturday being our first free Saturday since January, I was looking forward to having
Kate a blogging buddy visit. Unfortunately Kate who was staying with a friend not too far away had to cancel as she had a bad cold and sinusitis. We both look forward to meeting next time she visits the area. 


  1. Your cards are so lovely. I have never tried to make my own...yet.

  2. Your cards are lovely. I keep meaning to settle down for an afternoon and make a stack for future needs, but somehow...the time slips away with other things.

    Your spring is ahead of ours. There are a few crocuses and tiny irises up (I think they are called Russian iris, or maybe flags?) but no forsythia yet.

  3. Your cards are delightful and you are in inspiration. Maybe by this time next year I'll be settled down enough to make some of my own too. Cards are so expensive that I hate to buy them. It was so nice to see all your Spring color there. We do not have anything blooming here. The snow is still melting and the little green shoots of blooms to come are appearing. I hope your day is a wonderful one!

  4. Love your card and the beautiful photos!

  5. You are a talented cardmaker obviously...they look great!Always handy to have a stash handy!

  6. Your cards are much nicer than store bought ones!!!! You do such a beautiful job on them.

    Glad that you are seeing some spring colors in the garden. I am sure it is a welcomed sight.

  7. I love handmade cards :-) They are lovely.

  8. Your cards are fun! You are very industrious! Takes me all day to make one.
    Love the pictures from your garden. What is the bush with the wavy branches and the droopy stuff? I've never seen anything like it.

  9. Love the signs of Spring, and you are very talented with your card making Barbara!

  10. Hi Barbara

    Nice cards. I like the one with the old truck hauling the plants :-)

    Take care and have a nice day :-)


  11. I love your cards. They look so professional.
    Is that a Harry Lauder Walking Stick after the Forsythia? I had one at my old house and it was just starting to grow big. I wonder what it looks like today?

  12. The cards are absolutely gorgeous and so good to see the flowers. I just checked in my garden and there are none yet. I get a later spring and am living on a hill--wind blasts that keep us cooler for longer.

  13. I am surprised to see all the color in your garden and not a bit surprised to see your card stash being replenished. What a beautiful sunset! I'm sorry that your meeting with Kate didn't disappointing. Hope that she is feeling much better now.

  14. I would much rather receive one of your handmade cards than anything from Hallmark ;) love the truck full of flowers!

  15. Wow- love the cards and of course your pics are always beautiful!

  16. Hello Barbara

    Your cards are lovely! You need to sell these on Etsy--I would be your first customer.

    Have a great week.

    Tracy :)


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