Sunday 19 December 2010

Winter Wonderland vs. Chaos on our 51st Anniversary

I had planned to do a post on afternoon tea but the snow bug caught up with me!
Before getting into the chaotic winter wonderland I would like to wish my dear husband a Happy 51st Wedding Anniversary today.
Cannot believe that a year has gone by since our Golden Wedding celebrations. With so
much going on I confess I made him quite a simple card and entitled it 'two hearts joined as one' 
We had our house church Christmas buffet and secret santa today and forgot to mention it to anyone

The snow you will see in the following pictures came down in the space of an hour yesterday. It caused so much disruption with travel chaos with many of the major airports closed including Gatwick and Heathrow and making the roads impassable for people stranded at airports to return home

I was watching it come down so fast as I began to decorate my Christmas tree

So.......Why HAVE we suddenly been plunged into a deep freeze?

The cold winter is being caused by a flow of freezing air from the Canadian Arctic. Normally at this time of year the UK enjoys the benefits of a jet stream from the Atlantic, which brings milder weather than being currently endured.
But a large dense block of cold air is sitting over Greenland and Iceland, blocking the stream's progress over the British Isles and diverting it south over continental Europe.
Meanwhile winds from the Arctic and Siberia, via Scandinavia, are blowing from the north, putting the country into a deep freeze.
The phenomenon is called an Arctic Oscillation and the bad news is that it generally brings long spells of cold.
Tim Thorne from the Met Office, said the big freeze is expected to last past Christmas and perhaps into the New Year. He said: 'The problem is that the jet stream from the Atlantic has been forced south and when this happens it is very difficult for it to correct itself and flow up north again. The cold weather is entrenched over the British Isles I am afraid'
Taken from The Mail on Sunday

The steps down into next door's garden
(we are on a hill)
Cars stuck in the snow outside my house
and that's a car in the foreground almost invisible

The snow has stopped  for now so it's off for a walk in the park
We are so blessed to have this park at the top of our road

My footprint

Alan seems alone
London on the horizon 15 miles away

Someone left behind a snowball

But the outdoor gym is deserted

And the children's playing areas


  1. Such pretty photos, and my favorite is like one you've shown before as a shot from your upper story down on the street. So cozy. :)

  2. Happy anniversary!!!

    We have been following your incredible storms over here. It is amazing!!!!!! Your snow scenes are a sight to behold - if only you could just stay inside and enjoy "looking" at it. I don't see too many children playing on the equipment. I do hope it will not impact your travel plans to see the children.

    We are having amazing rain this week. They say it is a "Pineapple Express" which brings the jet stream from Hawaii with lots of moisture.

  3. I do love your card. Much better than the bought ones. Hope you had a great anniversary. Those photos are lovely. It all looks so pretty but it's getting to be a pain isn't it. Especially as it stopped you seeing your family.

    We haven't had any snow since the thaw until I was getting ready for church tonight and down it came. Then off went our heating. It's been freezing up quite a lot this year. We had a new combi put in a couple of years ago and it's been fine until this winter. I've been hoping for a thaw but will have to wait a couple of days.

    I haven't been posting or blogging as my Internet connection is driving me mad. Back to BT in March no matter how much it costs! So in case my connection goes again, have a lovely Christmas and a wonderful healthy year in 2011.

  4. Happy anniversary to you and your hubby. I'm sorry you were snowed in today but hope you had a wonderful time just reminiscing and being together. Your card is wonderful!

  5. I had read earlier today that Heathrow and Gatwick are closed as are most airports on the continent. Stay safe as you walk around in the snow and ice!

    Happy Anniversary to you and Alan! You're our heroes--51 years!

    Here in CA we are experiencing rain and wind. The temperatures aren't cold although the wind is definitely chilly. What an interesting winter we're all having so far...

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Ahhh, you're having a Dickens of a Christmas it seems. It's the stuff of stories this great white Christmas you'll enjoy and I know that you will enjoy it, right? No snow here yet. It looks as if it'll be a brown Christmas.

    Happy Anniversary to both you and Alan. May God bless you in wonderful and unexpected ways in the coming year.

  7. We had snow come suddenly on Friday night. It doesn't look like lasting until Christmas just here on the coast.

    Happy 51st Anniversary!

  8. Your weather is making the news here in Canada because of its unusual nature. But you've captured the beauty of it. I hope that your Christmas preparations continue well.

    Happy 51 anniversary to you and Alan.

  9. Your photos have taken me away to a different world! That park sure looks different than it did when you and I walked there!

    Congratulations on your 51st! Blessings to you both.

  10. Happy 51st Anniversary!
    Beautiful snow pictures.

  11. May you have a very Merry Christmas!
    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

    The snow is beautiful!

  12. We are about the same with the snow. Fortunately term has finished. Yay!!! Have a great week Barbara :)

  13. Happy Anniversary to you both and a wonderful collection of winterwonderland photos :))
    I'm hoping that the snow clears by the 3rd of January otherwise Nigel & I might not make it to South Africa for our 30th wedding anniversary celebrations!!
    Hope you're keeping warm and snugged up in doors? much love, Judyx

  14. hello Barbara,
    When looking at your photos I rememder the film "the day after tomorrow".... We have masses of snow, too- if I mustn´t take the car I love it!
    Congratulations for your 51st wedding day! It´s a really long time to be married!
    dearest regards,

  15. I've been listening and watching the news about the weather in England, and in other parts of Europe. That is quite the snow storm you have had. Keep warm and Season's Greetings to you and your family.

  16. Your snow pictures are beautiful. I always like to look at it but don't like to go out in it at all. Take care and stay warm.

  17. That's a serious amount of snow for an hour's work! Happy (quieter) anniversary to you both. Fifty-one years together is wonderful.

  18. That Canadian Artic air is making your country look like Canada! We usually get snowed in at least once a year. Mary H

  19. Happy Anniversary to you both!Lovely snowy pictures too,we are in a similar situation here though not as much snow as you seem to have.Time to stay indoors and stay warm and eat too much!

  20. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! - Many more to come! The snow is gorgeous but it must be very confining and delaying. Trust you'll stay warm and safe and don't have to get out in it except for play! Thank you for the lovely pictures!

    A Joyous Christmas to you!


  21. Happy 51st anniversary :) That's really a lot of snow there...I can feel the chill here. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too..

  22. I've been watching your snowy weather on TV. The tie ups in the airport are unbelievable. The snow pictures are beautiful, however. I hope that you can do all you have planned for the holidays.Have a wonderful Christmas...stay safe.

  23. Hi Barbara, I enjoyed the photos. The one of Alan alone is a mystical one. I also really liked the huge snowball, and also the piled stones in the children's playing area. In my 7 visits to you back between 1987-1990, I always hit good weather and so never took in a snow walk with you all. I'm trying to picture the park. Maybe it's an additions since my visits. I do remember all mywalks down to the shops, which I greatly enjoyed, and my stops for tea and Nescafe. Blessings to you and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Brian

  24. Wow...jet stream correct thy self =) That's what I am talking about. We too have had unusual weather. Snow on the ground and the sun is finally out and they are trying to get my pool done and winterized hahaha...too funny.

    Happy Anniversary!

  25. Barbara,
    Happy Belated 51st anniversary!

    The pictures of the snow are awesome...amazing to someone who lives in the southern USA! We have snow occasionally...we did last year.

    I watch BBC America and am able to keep up a little with your part of the world.

    Praying that you, Alan and your family are enjoying a blessed season of our Saviour's birth.

    Oxford....that's right!

    Love and Prayers,
    Betty @ Country Charm

  26. You seem to have had at least as much snow as us in Wales. I always love the snow pictures - yours are very interesting and different!
    I had to smile when I read about how you got married. You definitely beat us! We met in September, got engaged in November and married the following May.
    Anyway, Happy Anniversary!

  27. omg
    what a fabulous snow storm.
    xx merry merry

  28. Thank you very much for sharing your great photos on his blog. Wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best wishes. Leovi.


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