Thursday 9 December 2010

Fudge and Tea in - Cambridge Pt.6

Let's forget the frost, ice and snow for a moment and revisit Cambridge.

Here we are, passing the fudge makers! Do we go in? Well, yes we do and that is not all

After watching the fudge being made

and sampling a taster

I could not resist the counter
and what did I buy?
4 slices, each slice being large enough to cut into about 12 portions
Lemon Meringue, Rum & Raisin, Toffee and Vanilla
On arrival home I realised that as it was made with fresh cream it did not last long
I can't eat all this in 10 days
Fortunately when I telephoned the shop I was assured that it could be frozen - phew!!

Next stop is tea before heading for the car
Here we have a combination of Chapel and Tea room
in the hall belonging to one of the churches

Now I will return to the snow and ice briefly to show you the icicles hanging from my roof
I made the mistake of opening the window
which sent icicles hurtling to the ground narrowly missing the car
parked below. Oops!


  1. A striking shot! (No pun intended.) I'm guessing that the Cambridge trip was awhile ago. Are you still snowed in? Now would be the time to dig out the frozen fudge and enjoy snuggled under the blankets with a good cup of tea. Looks as if my advice remains the same...stay warm; stay cozy!

  2. That fudge looks fantastic!!! One can almost gain weight just looking at the pictures.

    To see icicles hanging from the roofs is such an unusual sight for you folks. I just cannot imagine how tired you must be of winter weather already.....and it's still fall!!!!

  3. Dear Barbara,
    FUDGE, tea, chapel, Cambridge
    what a wonderful round up of things to delight the body and the mind!
    Imagine working in a fudge shop. Yum.
    I do hope your hideous weather is not trapping you indoors too much?
    It was 24'F this morning when I took the dog out.
    Due to snow on Monday.
    Greetings from New York.

  4. Rum and Raisin please - ooo I love fudge..

  5. My neighbor is a Cambridge graduate so I have been particularly enjoying these posts.

    Your continuing snow saga is chilling :)

  6. Dear Barbara, I have so enjoyed my visits with you to Cambridge. Like you, I am sure that I should not have been able to go home without some samples of that most delicious looking fudge. And, of course, what would a visit with you be if we did not stop in a tea room? The tea room in the church looks very inviting and would have definitely been on my itinerary.

  7. That fudge would be just my cup of tea for sure. How yummy it looks. I've not made any in years, but it sure has my mouth watering. Thank you for giving me a brief respite from the cold and ice today.

  8. Mmmm, I was just saying to my husband last night that I had a hankering for fudge. Yours looks delectable.

  9. Barbara, you must have been hanging out the window to take this shot. I like it; a unique winter view, and is that the moon shining in the sky above?

  10. I could eat your pictures!! Love fudge--but I cannot eat it anymore.
    Have a good week-end

    Tracy :)

  11. Love the tea rooms and the fudge looks amazing!I was watching Kirstie Allsop on tv the other night visiting a chocolate factory making Thorntons chocs. it is interesting to see how the process evolves from start to finish!

  12. The fudge looks yummy.....good to heat the body during winter:)

  13. I love the pictures. I wished I could have been there to see him make the fudge. In a couple of weeks I will be making alot of it for friends and family for the holidays.


  14. Dear Barbara, I would love to take a trip to town with you. That fuge looks devine. We are getting More snow in Maine and the last few days I woke up to 10 degrees and 18 .
    Hope it warms up a little,
    Sending you and your Hubby a very
    warm wish for a great Holiday


  15. Oh yummy! That fudge with real cream sounds simply delicious! I love the picture of the frosty icicles - wow! Have a blessed Christmas my English friend and sister in Christ!

  16. ummm! I chuckled because of the "need" to buy the fudge and then...oh what to do with it? eat it all or freeze it? What struck me was the gorgeous purple/blue sky surrounding your place when this picture of the icicles was taken. Like a lovely card with the snow and street lights! Thank you Barbara for the thoughts you left me this morning.

  17. Yum at the fudge, im hoping to try and make some very soon as i have a selection of fudge recipes from a magazine.
    And wow at those icicles!! I havent seen icicles since i was very young, id love to see some again. Weve had some snow today, and are forecast for more over the weekend. Im looking forward to wearing my new boots!

  18. Thanks, a crab apple tree. You know
    my Mom ysed to buy the spiced red crab apples in a jar and put them around the Turkey with parsley, I can't buy them anywhere.Muslemans used to make them they were spoces wit ginger and cinnamom. yvonne

  19. Rum & Raisin fudge - my gosh, that sounds good.

    I love the picture just below. I think it is the people giving it movement and life that so attracts me.

  20. Hubby loves fudge. I don't think he's seen it made though.

    What a lovely hall for tea.

    We finally joined the snow club on Friday- so bright and pretty outside.


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