Thursday 23 December 2010

Christmas is Coming!

The cards are made

The tree is up
and the presents are wrapped

and keeping to the simplicity of some lights and baubles only
in the sitting room

It's time for carol singing in the street

The food hampers that we do in housechurch for needy people
all distributed
The carol singing in the local hospital behind us
along with our housechurch Christmas buffet and secret santa
I am looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow
before travelling to our daughter Jane's home for Christmas Day
Boxing Day we will be back home enjoying the day with
our son Peter
 wishing everyone who visits here
A very Happy Christmas


  1. Merry Christmas to you and Alan, Barbara! Have a wonderful time with your family, and a very Happy New Year. Lots of love.

  2. Your home looks very pretty and Christmasy, warm and inviting. Blessings to you, Alan and all your family this Christmas.

  3. ....and a very blessed Christmas to you and your family as well. Safe travels, my friend.

  4. Your schedule sounds very busy. I know that you will enjoy it all. How cool to see carolers in the street. We do not see that here so much anymore. People complained too much. I really like how your tree is reflected in the mirror behind.

  5. Merry Christmas!
    Blessings for the New Year!

  6. Merry Christmas, Barbara. I hope you enjoy your time with family. We'll be getting together with ours on Boxing Day this year.

    Your carol singing looks like a lot of fun.

  7. Hello Barbara

    I wish you and your family a very Blessed and Merry Christmas!

    Tracy :)

    Stay Warm!!

  8. Happy Christmas and have a wonderful time with your daughter.. Judithxx

  9. Merry Christmas from across the ocean. We are in the middle of a Christmas Eve snowstorm, so our travel plans are "ify" It looks like a Christmas card out my window. I hope that you and yours have a safe and Happy Christmas.

  10. Have a wonderful Christmas, my friend, as you celebrate the reason for the season. We are so blessed - God loved us so much He sent His Son!

  11. Barbara.....
    A blessed Christmas to you and Alan. Marion

  12. Merry Christmas to you and your family

  13. Happy Christmas Barbara to you and your husband and family!

  14. Bless you, Barbara! Merry Christmas!

  15. Dear Barbara and Allen, wishing you a very Healthy, Prosperious and

    Happy New Year.

    snowbound in Maine LOL

  16. Barbara, Your post is sweet.
    God bless you,

  17. Can you believe it's nearly Christmas again!? A year ago we were under snow. This year it is still so warm for the season. I have seen rhubarb growing back and buds on trees...


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