Tuesday 28 December 2010

Tea at Heaven Farm and Dolly's Tea

The year of the first afternoon tea, when Anna,
the 7th Duchess of Bedford,
ordered a small meal of buttered bread, cakes and tarts
in between lunch and supper

Driving down a Sussex lane on our way home from a day out in November we stopped here for afternoon tea
It looked a litle different and the name of the farm caught my eye

The circular building is a traditional Oust House
where the Hops were dried

Afterwards we visited a lovely gourmet food shop and
craft shop situated on the farm and made a few purchases

Heaven for Grandma on Christmas day was seeing 20 month old Rebekah so enjoying her first doll that I bought her

Happy New Year to all


  1. Happy New Year to you and family!

  2. Good morning Barbara. As usual, I've enjoyed my ramblings with you and yours as you travel about the countryside. Rebekah is a dear. And was that carrot cakes I saw?

  3. How nice it looks there in November. It seems as though it has been winter here for ever already and really November was quite good here too. I love the picture of your grand daughter and her doll. It looks like you had a happy Christmas. My best wishes for a very Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. I love English tea rooms. They have such great things to eat. I hope you and yours have a great new year.

  5. Heaven Farm looks so much like the farm where "The Darling Buds of May" miniseries was filmed (I think it was in the 1980s) with Catherine Zeta-Jones playing the eldest daughter...I suppose there are places like that all over England.

    Your cake certainly looks delicious.

    What a sweetheart Rebecca is! I'm so glad you were able to spend Christmas with Jane in spite of the snow.

  6. I love your idea of tea in the afternoon. What a lovely custom.Isn't it fun watching little girls with their dolls? She seems so caught up in the feeding of that baby...Balisha

  7. Barbara, It's been a long time since I've visited you and I'm glad I remembered to come back! Your blog is a "bit of heaven" and I really enjoy it! I used to have a blog call Handful of Daisies but my new site is www.countrycottageliving.com
    Come for a visit soon! and Happy New Year to you! *Melanie

  8. looks like you had a wonderful time! I wish you a very Happy New Year from Wales!

  9. Wow- what a great place! I'll be visiting in the early summer and may just have to check out this place. Happy New year to you!

  10. How neat to see the grand baby. I wish Jane had showed up more.

    How interesting to see the hops drying. I enjoyed the beer in my visits, and it reminds me of when Bill Willis used to visit here. HE called US beer "Fizzy water," and who could argue with that?

    Do you ever hear anything about Bill?


  11. Beautiful farm and great photos. I wish you a happy and healthy 2011 and a great decade 2011-2020. Leovi.

  12. Happy New Year!
    What a post!
    TEA CAKE and a grandchild
    all good things at once

    All best wishes from still-snowy NY

  13. Nice visit Barbara! I love tea shops :)

  14. What a wonderful name to have Tea. Looks enchanting!

    Your lil miss is such a sweetie playing with her baby doll.

    God bless,

  15. I agree with Deanna - looks enchanting!


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