Wednesday 24 November 2010

Some Views Around - Cambridge Pt. 4

A small view of a little of Cambridge

There are still a few of the old telephone boxes around

On the railings of the church one can see many adverts of the various college activities and clubs

We come across the Marketplace

A stall selling many kinds of loose tea

A very life like model of a Cornish Fisherman above the Cornish Pasty shop
For the uninitiated a pasty is a selection of meat and vegetables encased in pastry - a throwback from the days when men took their meal with them into the fields 

Bycicles everywhere and more college adverts

The entrace to Clare College 1326


There has to be somewhere to sit and drink tea
We found a place we liked better
(another post)


  1. You know what we like. Thanks for the free trip to Cambridge. I didn't have to pay for a ticket or get "frisked" as I got to the plane.
    <3 Terri

  2. I like the loose tea stall but it would be my son who would spend a fortune on that stall!! lol

    Hope all is well with you?

  3. Wonderful views around Cambridge...I loved all the narrow street scenes especially.

  4. It looks nice. One day I will get there!

  5. A series of wonderful photos with attractive frames.

  6. Dear Barbara, You do seem to have had a day of lovely weather when you visited Cambridge. I have so enjoyed looking at your photographs and keep making a mental note that a visit is long overdue. You always seem to find lovely tea shops....useful to have a recommendation in every town!!

  7. Hi Barbara will be thinking of you tomorrow - hope all goes well. Judyx

  8. Beautiful! It looks so much more peaceful and civilized than the streets I am currently wandering!

  9. More fun scenes to look at. I especially love those red telephone booths. ;-) Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  10. Beautiful pictures...I added the phone box pictures to Marion's and my phone box pictures on my desk when you sent it sometime back.

    I keep expecting to see Chief Inspector Lewis to show up in one of the pictures. I watch all the English dective series on TV.

    Thanks for the tour...Betty

  11. Hello Barbara

    Love the telephone boxes and bikes!
    Why are the telephone boxes going away? They are so British and I hope when I make my trip I can see some.

    Tracy :)

  12. A fantastic place to visit. When I was there about 3.5 years ago we visited St Ives and the quilts of Lucy Boston in the original Green Knowe house that she lived in and wrote about- dating from the Norman times. I can thoroughly recommend a visit there when you are next in the area.


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