Saturday 20 November 2010

A Week in November

November can be one of those dreary months weatherwise, dull, misty and damp, but on a late afternoon walk this week the sky certainly made up for it

and have you ever had one of those weeks where the daytime calender for the  coming week looks almost empty and then......

Denise drops in on Saturday to invite us to Sunday lunch after  house church.....

then Jane E-mails to see if we can get together for coffee on Monday.....

then Maria wonders if we can get together Tuesday

(Tuesday happened to be the one day of the week we had booked)
having a couple of evangelist friends from Ohio visiting so......

 a morning spent with Maria at her home on Wednesday.......

then at a meeting on Wednesday evening Gerry wonders if it is possible to link up for tea on Thursday afternoon....

followed by Marion who suggests Thursday or Friday for tea and a catch-up.

Friday became the time for tea and catch-up at my house where we were unexpectedly joined by Lorraine.
Marion suggested it was like waiting for a bus
No sign of a bus and then they all come at once!! 

Then there is the unwelcome visitor who terrorises our fish

and then having a birthday this month (although not this week)
there was the welcome visit of the post man twice who brought
gifts from 2 blogging friends

The above came from Sara and the paper of which her card is made contains seeds for wild flowers. 

The book tells what it would have been like to sit at the feet of Jesus and learning first hand about his kingdom. Be imersing oneself in the culture, prayers and feasts of first century Jews, one can enrich their undersatnding of the Bible and of Jesus. 

The second came from Teresa This book portrays the inspiration and history of 25 of the most popular hymns. It features the sites where they were composed and takes one on a journey across England and Wales and highlights the places that gave birth to Christianity's most inspiring and unforgetable music.
There is an accompanying CD of all the hymns featured

So a heartfelt thank you to both Sara and Teresa 

and not forgetting some cards I made this week

I'll return to Cambridge in my next post


  1. Belated Bonne anniversaire!
    What lovely gifts, they sound most enjoyable reading.

  2. What beautiful sunset skies you captured with your camera. And how fun to see the book and card I sent, now many thousands of miles away from where I live, safely in your hands. (You are most welcome!)

    We are having gloomy and wet weather today; last week's warm sunshine is gone for a while.

  3. I do appreciate the sun when we have it in November for sure! The pictures you have in your post are just beautiful. Here at my house the sunset is often blocked by trees so I don't get to see much of it...the same with the sunrise too. Being in town with neighbors close by doesn't leave much room for a view but when the weather is good and I'm camping I have a lovely view so I can be thankful for that. Happy Birthday to you and I do hope your day will be a special one when it comes!

  4. You need a social secretary! How fun to do catch-up teas with friends. I need a few of those myself. And you have some great blogging buddies, too, gifting you with those wonderful books, which I know that you will thorougly enjoy.

  5. Barbara, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Lovely gifts in the post :)

    It certainly seems like your empty week was very full of tea and scones.

  6. Great post! The sunsets are just beautiful Barbara. I love the first one particularly. Have a great time catching up with friends!

  7. Dear Barbara, There is nothing like meeting up with friends to brighten even the dreariest of winter days. You have had such a hectic week and my theory is that the closer one gets to holiday times, the more frantic life becomes. Everything seems to speed up rather than slow down until, finally, one just collapses exhausted. Happy Birthday when the day comes!!

  8. It sounds like it was a pretty crazy week after all.

    The red in the skies is just gorgeous!!! Stunning!

    You do such a beautiful job with your cards, Barbara. What a joy it must be to those who recieve them.

  9. Happy Birthday for November Barbara,lovely photos,we had a sky like that yesterday while returning from a spin but I had no camera on me to capture the sky!Enjoy all that tea and chat too!Here in the south of Ireland there is SNOW forecast for the coming weekend!

  10. I'm waving from my sister's house, here for the Holiday...

    Sounds like your doing well and having or had a birthday.

    Sooo "Happy Birthday"!!!

  11. You take the most beautiful photographs! And yes, I know what your week was like. Happens continually to me since moving to Taiwan. I am working on purposefully being unavailable at least one day per week.

  12. Hello Barbara

    Love all the pictures and it seems to me you have some good reading to do!

    Tracy :)

  13. Lovely week it sounds like...and more fun coming up. Happy Birthday Barbara!

  14. I loved the touring on your blog (hadn't been here for a while) I love your pics of Cambridge. I always dreamed of visiting Oxford someday (ever since I've been reading C. S. Lewis and that is quite a while). Anyhow tonight I felt like visiting England and was not disappointed. Thanks. I've never been across the vast ocean unfortunately. Mary


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