Saturday 27 November 2010

Great News

What would we do without cameras on mobile phones!
The sun is just rising as I am looking out of the window from my hospital room. It was an early start this morning as I had to be here for 7.0 am.
As a result of both my ultrasound scan and MRCP MRI Scan which showed up dilated pancreatic and bile ducts with some slush in the gall bladder I am having an endoscopic ultrasound any moment now so that everything can be looked at from the inside.

Fast forward an hour or so and  I am told that everything looked normal, no stones, no dilation and no slush in gall bladder.
I think it worth a painful throat with difficulty swallowing for a few days in order to have this news.

Now I can rest and relax in bed, dozing or watching the large flat screen tv in this very nice room which includes a safe, refrigerator and sofa blus a comfortable arm chair with foot rest and DVD player until I have had some lunch and feel ready to go home. All curtesy of the new private wing of our new NHS hospital.

It was also great to be told by the consultant a few weeks ago that during colonoscopy my colon looked
'boringly normal'.

Seems like time to thank all my blogging friends, amongst the many others here and overseas for their interest, care and prayers.
Will be seeing my consultant on the 6th to wrap up final details of the other bits and pieces.

It has turned very cold here with heavy snow falls in the north (10 inches) and spreading to the south over the next few days. For the moment for us it is heavy frost.

Still more to come on Cambridge


  1. Good news indeed!
    So happy for you both. Now you can look forward to Christmas without 'something hanging over you'!
    Excellent timing American THANKSGIVING weekend.
    So glad that England, (unlike the US!!)
    has proper healthcare for all.
    Much love

  2. I'm glad to hear that all is well. Take time to rest.

  3. Dear Barbara, What very reassuring news. I am so pleased that you can enjoy the sunrise with joy in your heart!!

  4. Wonderful to hear good news and also a 'A Room With a View' isn't bad either! Praise God.

  5. Praising God for your news! Take care of yourself through these next few days and relax in the knowledge that all is well!

  6. Glad to hear all is well Babara.
    I do like your photo, the sunrise is always beautiful.

  7. What a great relief to get good news on the medical front!Health is indeed wealth and now you can enjoy Christmas with a new appreciation!

  8. Oh I love good news! Praise the Lord!!

  9. I am so Happy to hear that you received good news from the tests. Yes by all means you need to rest now and just enjoy your day.


  10. Barbara,
    Wonderful news! Thankful to hear all is well...

    God bless....Betty

  11. The news must be such a relief after all of the tests and discomfort, much less the worries. I am just thrilled to read that you are so boringly normal!!!!!!!

    Enjoy your television and such on a few popscicles to help that sore throat.

    I heard that you were having a terrible storm with lots of snow. Are we ready for winter? We, too, have already set record lows this week. Brrr!!!

  12. Wonderful news! I'm so very glad to heard how 'boringly normal' your health is. How is Alan?

  13. So glad to have you say things look good.
    Take care

  14. I'm rejoicing with you at such great news! Praise the Lord! Looking at your photo always reminds me of a dear, godly friend I've had for years and years. I believe that is why I feel I've known you for much longer than just here on your blog.

    Have a joyous Sunday and thank you for your special greetings on Thanksgiving.

  15. Seems like I said something to this on Facebook but I'm joining the chorus here as well. It totally requires a repeat. Hurrah!!! Very, very happy for you.

  16. Glad to know everything went well for you, Barbara.

    Keep warm if you should get any snow!

    Tracy :)

  17. Good to hear all is well with you!

  18. somehow...the news of boringly normal just sound so good :) So happy for you.

  19. Wonderful news Barbara. What an answer to prayer to be "boringly normal" LOL. I think God has such a sense of humour.


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