Saturday 1 July 2017

Two Funerals in a Week

Spent Wednesday in this small but pretty village of Roxwell, attending our second funeral in 6 days.
The first was for Alan's late brother's wife and the second for the Mother of our son-in-law.

The local pub

and village store

and the village church that managed to fit several hundred people for the funeral service.
A local field was opened up for car parking.
Our daughter's Mother-in-law was an Anglican Vicar to 3 country parishes.

It's actually the same church that our daughter was married in 18 years ago.
Today we had another street party to celebrate our Queen's Sapphire Anniversary - 65 years on the throne - the longest serving Monarch.
I will post photos from that next before continuing with 
holiday pics.


  1. Barbara, I pray that the Lord will comfort you and yours in your loss. The church looks like a beautiful place to worship the Lord and celebrate the life of a loved one and the marriage of your daughter.

  2. Always such sad affairs - and a time to reconnect with people too.
    Loved your street party photos on Facebook.

  3. Seems funerals become more common as we have many more candles to count on our birthday cakes. It's good to take the time and attend them to support the family in their grief and have a chance to say goodbye for now.

  4. Sympathies and blessings to you and your family. At least your next event was a joyful one. Such is the way of the Lord.

  5. Two funerals in a single week... Rough on the emotions. I am sorry for your grandchildren's loss of a grandmother. Trusting that God provides ongoing peace and comfort. I never comment on Jane's Instagram, but I watch with interest as the project takes form. Looking foward to the party pictures. Queen Elizabeth II is an amazing woman and is much admired in my circle.

  6. Funerals are hard. We've just been through one - Tim's mother. The village looks like a pretty place to visit.

  7. So sorry to read of the two family funerals in one week -- I hope your family is coping with the losses. But thanks for sharing your picturesque travel spots with us. I look forward to seeing photos of the Sapphire Party. Best Regards, -Beth

  8. I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss. Sending hugs and prayers that you each will feel the arms of the Father holding you close.


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