Saturday 24 June 2017

Burnham Market, Norfolk Part 3

Turning around now and walking along the opposite side of the street

These archways are where the horse and carriage would enter in times gone by

A great traditional butchers shop

with a hat shop next door

Would take far too many photos to show you all of this shop but will show you some

A labrynth

This was the place to go if you were refurbishing your kitchen

and then the shirt shop next door

and the necessary Pharmacy

Estate Agents

and a gallery

The sweet shop opposite to where we are staying

with the pottery painting upstairs
Part 3 coming


  1. love every part of this village. That hat shop is amazing! I'm bookmarking this post.

  2. There is a lot going on in that town! I have been needing a hat and seems I have found a place with a lot of product. It's hit or miss in my corner.

  3. The hat shop is certainly full of hats! No wonder you took so many photos. One could spend quite a long time in there just looking and trying on hats.

  4. I can't describe how much I love looking at all the street scenes of places I will never be able to visit. It is so kind of you to make the effort to show it all to your readers like me. Thank you.

  5. Really enjoyed this. I have always loved places where there are individual shops like this instead of big supermarkets and malls.

  6. Your English shops are so quaint and picturesque! That's a lot of hats, and that sweet shop is straight out of Hogsmeade in the Harry Potter stories. Thanks so much for sharing your holiday with us. Best, Beth

  7. I would be in my element in that hat shop. I love hats :-)

  8. This kind of shopping is such fun and easy on my pocketbook :) Thanks for helping me enjoy seeing what you saw...especially the amazing hat shop.

  9. Thank you for a lovely shopping trip. Beautiful little shops and the hats are wonderful.

  10. The hat shop fascinates me! I would have to spend all of my time - and money - there and avoid the sweet shop. This village is charming and would be a wonderful place to visit.

  11. I have visited my way down your blog and will comment here that is was a delight!


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