Saturday 15 July 2017

Burnham Market, Part 5

The Nelson Inn was about 3 minutes walk away from where we were staying. As mentioned in previous postings Admiral Horatio Nelson is much featured in this village. 

As well as being close by, the food was delicious

  For my last posting on Burnham Market, before moving on to more of Norfolk, here are some photos of the shop below our holiday accommodation, all part of the same conglomerate.

Looking through the window after dark

A typical holiday shop where one needs to spend time looking around

And lastly peeping through a couple more windows after dark

The sweet shop opposite

next to the Barefoot Retreat Office next door.

Hope I haven't bored you with 5 posts on one village!


  1. Hi Barbara, I'm not bored at all. Thank you for the views. We just saw a good old movie about Nelson called "That Hamilton Woman" last week. They hollywooded it up of course, but it was good entertainment.

  2. That village is not at all boring. Your meals were so beautifully presented, too. The dessert looks amazing. Did you window shop or do some real shopping? I always find such shops quite pricey for my budget, but I do love to look all the same.

  3. I'd love to visit that shop, but only after eating that fabulous looking dessert! No, it was not boring at all. I always enjoy seeing the charm of the places you visit.

  4. I'd love to poke around in that shop.

  5. I enjoyed looking around this village in your pictures and I love looking through the windows after dark. Your meal and desert look delicious and I always learn something new about England.
    Not one bit boring, at all!
    Thank you Barbara.


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