Saturday 8 July 2017

Burnham Market Part 4 - An Evening Stroll

An evening stroll in Burnham Market when the village is deserted. Very different from daytime!

The above three photos are of the front of the cottages that back on to the internal square where we are staying as the photo below

Quite an unusual looking Range Rover

Peaceful - I think we will walk back now for a bit of R & R


  1. Such a lovely, peaceful place to walk. And not a soul in sight!

  2. What a wonderful concept to have a center court for the mutual benefit of the homes around the square...a little secluded park all its own. I think some of the blocks in Boston are constructed that way. Your stroll looks as if it was taken at the best possible time of day.

  3. How lovely and quiet, it's very different when other people are nowhere in sight.
    That is an unusual Range Rover, we have a lot of them here and I have never seen a convertible one before.

  4. That looks so lovely and tranquil.

  5. I need a little r&r in a nice quiet village. Lovely.


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