Thursday 18 May 2017

On The Home Front and More

It's almost 2 years ago now (Can't be but it is!) since we totally renewed our main bathroom and made the bathroom and separate loo into one. 
I decided to hang some of my watercolours on the new wall where once was a door.
Thought I'd make a post of it before going on holiday tomorrow.

While doing it we took the opportunity to re-decorate the landing, stairs and hall and buy a new mirror. The old one was an antique but I no longer liked it.

Mirror reflections

I thought you would like this.
 Grandson Oliver at his house playing Ludo with the kittens

and then on the garden front
the pigeons make a real mess on garden furniture

The roses are beginning to come into bloom in mid-May

We have had the driest winter in over 100 years here in the South East
and then the rains came in earnest and have not ceased yet just as the roses were coming into bloom

Should have lots of photos when we come back.


  1. Your watercolors would look lovely anywhere, I've always liked them immensely. It's good to see your smiling face - and that's a beautiful heart necklace you are wearing. Want to wish you and Alan a truly beautiful holiday - hope you will both be rested and refreshed and have a good time exploring. Looking forward to the photos when you return! Much love to you both.

  2. My word, your roses are doing well. Mine are beginning to open but not that far forward yet. We have had such cold nights.
    Wonder who won the Ludo? Kittens maybe?

  3. Have a wonderful holiday! Very nice updates and the watercolors are lovely on the landing. Oh those pigeons! We call them rats with wings.

  4. Your roses are always so beautiful, have a good trip.

  5. I love your posts and have not been getting them for a year....wonder why? I see you are posting love the gardens and so love your son's with its freedom and wildness. Your is always wonderful and everything you do is wonderful. have a wonderful holiday and please make sure I am getting these at love, Merri from Minnesota USA

  6. Love your watercolors! Oh that rain caused some problems it looks like!

  7. Lovely redecorating and lovely garden. I've moved and miss my roses, but will definitely enjoy seeing yours.

  8. The watercolors look so pretty on the wall.

    Your roses are gorgeous. Of course it would rain just as the roses bloom!!

  9. Hi!Love your home,garden and grandson !What a gorgeous bouquet!Hugs.

  10. What beautiful watercolours you have for your wall. Everything looks nice both inside and outside of your lovely home. Have a nice time on holiday! -Beth

  11. Now I am wondering who won the game Oliver and the cats were playing :) Your decorating and roses are lovely. We are finally having more sunny days and I notice some tight buds on our Joseph Coat Rose vines. I just cleaned our porch chairs, but did not see which birds decorated them. Blessings on you and Alan and your holiday. I look forward to your next post.

  12. Enjoy your holiday! Looking forward to seeing your photos. The updates look great, especially the watercolors. You are so talented!

  13. Love the photo of your grandson Oliver playing with the kittens. Your garden is lovely. Hope you have a great vacation and looking forward to the photos.

  14. Your water colours look amazing Barbara. Love the photo of Oliver and the cats playing, reminds me of our grandson.

  15. Hi Barbara,
    This is a lovely blog post! Roses, Kitties and Grandchildren and yourself, looking very well and watercolours. I do not think that I knew you did watercolour painting and from what I can see on your wall, they look really nice. It's good to be able to frame your art.
    I did watercolours about 15-20 years ago and also had mine framed, but I have lost the knack for it now. It's knitting for me but that seems to be turning into easier crochet now.
    P.S. I love your pink shirt.

  16. Your wall of watercolors is wonderful! Those kittens are such fun and your grandson is growing so fast! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  17. The roses are Gorgeous! Wow! But my favorite thing in this post is your wall of your paintings... really lovely. Love your beautiful artwork, and the grouping is perfect for that spot.


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