Monday 29 May 2017

Leave the Garden for a week and.........

Leave the garden for one week and it is bursting with colour on our return. All a mixture of torrential rain for a couple of days then full sun with temps in the 80's.
I'm posting on the garden right now as I am overwhelmed again trying to deal with hundreds of holiday photos on Windows 10. I thought I had it sussed but it is as complicated as ever. It feels like I have no control over the photos. So far I have only downloaded 100 from my camera (and even these are not filed as I would like) but I have hundreds on my i-pad.
I think I will have to send them from i-pad to computer by E-mail a few at a time. I cannot just Sync them as that would mean syncing thousands from computer to i-pad!!!

Looking through my front sitting room window

The lawn was cut really close the day before we left and it looked like a field when we returned.
We were certainly blessed with the weather. It had been only low 60's so the evening before I left I took out shorts, sun hat, sun lotion and took sweater, fleeces, vests, jeans etc. and by the second day we were basking in hot sunshine (well hot for this time of year in  the U.K.). I was so glad that I packed one pair of light, loose trousers and a number of short sleeved tea-shirts and sandals.
Hopefully I can get at least some photos sorted soon.


  1. How beautiful your garden grows...
    Filled with colour and texture and lots of tending, it is indeed exquisite.
    Hope you are enjoying your Bank Holiday, it's Memorial Day here in the USA so we are all having a little R & R..

  2. Your rose's are lovely!

  3. It must smell wonderful in your garden these days with all those roses in full bloom.

  4. How frustrating to have your such a hard time with your photos and Windows 10. Ugh. Lovely garden views you did share.

  5. The garden is full of surprises when you return from being away. Your roses are gorgeous. Good luck with Windows 10. It is so frustrating.

  6. I love your photos, and especially that first one, where the roses pop right out in 3D on my ipad! What a great way to start my day! Thank you. Sorry about your photo troubles. Things should be easier in this time of technology, but even my hubs who is a retired engineer cannot sort it all out. Good luck!

  7. Your roses are always lovely. As you know ours don't do so well here where we are, but the flooding devastated the few beautiful ones that we had. We need to pull them out. There's just not been any time to do so.


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