Thursday 3 November 2016

Snowdonia National Park in Wales

Snowdonia was one of my outing haunts when I was a teenager living in Liverpool. It's now my son's turn to get to know the place.
Just a few photos here as a taster. 

This visit he was out walking and camping as all the B & B's were full. He has climbed Mt. Snowdon a few times but that will be for another post.

He and his friend certainly know how to stock up before a days walking!

Mt. Snowdon in the distance

The parked cars look like little dots

Peter himself

At the top of one of the hills

and now on the way down

Hope you enjoyed the scenery
I have spared you the other 100+ photos!


  1. Wonderful scenery - what a beautiful place. I see both of you in your son. He's certainly got your talent with the camera too.

  2. Wonderful hike and views! In 2006 friends and Dear and I tried to climb up a trail where we could see the train that takes you up to the top of Snowden. It sure was hard to climb on that shale and our knees suffered afterwards. Looks like your son is made for these adventures.

  3. I've heard about Mt. Snowdon, however, I've never seen photos of Snowdonia and the mountain.
    How beautiful it is!
    Thank you for sharing wonderful photos.

  4. Barbara, these are wonderful photos! The rock formations on the mountains are so interesting, and I love the view from the top looking down on the lake below. And the flowers are lovely, too. How much energy it must take to hike up there, but oh the view is so worth it. Thank you for plowing through the 100s of photos to find these that are so lovely!!


  5. What an amazing landscape.Beautiful photos.

  6. It looks beautiful. I can see he inherited those adventurous genes from his parents. Glad that you can share the fun times with him through the pictures.

    Happy birthday!

  7. So beautiful!! It's the stuff of dreams.

  8. Beautiful rugged scenery. The misty photos are gorgeous.


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