Thursday 20 October 2016

Regents Canal in London

Let's stroll along the Regents Canal in London today.
I have my son to thank for these photos.

This is a very popular canal with a mixture of visiting barges and permanent homes on the water

Looks out of place, but no, just passing these London terraced houses 

Chinese influence

One always needs books!

These interior designs are from the original working barges over 100 years ago

Where to now?
Not having been out and about this year I am low on new interesting photos.
I did mention a little while ago that my son was happy for me to post pictures from his many travels in such interesting parts of the world. I will, but right now just do not know where to start as he has many thousands.
So while getting to those thought it would be good to post some from near to home so hope you like these 'different side of London' pictures.
On an entirely different note, I have had the M.R.I. results - 
Degenerative changes in lower back, in other words,  Osteo-Arthritis or as my Consultant doctor friend says 
"old age" - yes I have forgiven him.
The right exercise and learning to manage pain is now on the agenda.


  1. All the best with keeping pain levels at a minimum and carrying on with your life. The good news is that He is going with you! Had to laugh at your saying that you forgave the doctor. Sometimes, there is no right way to say a thing.

    Amazing photos of a river community. Have always imagined living on a houseboat in the most romantic of ways.

    Love to you...

  2. I've had that arthritis stuff in my lower back for years. I use 650 strength Tylenol when it's really bad, and Blue Emu Oil to rub on when it's just annoying. It helps.
    Love your son's pictures. The boats are quite picturesque. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. Hope you do find good ways to manage your pain. I'm headed to the doctor next week to assess hip pain I've developed. Love the canal shots. Amazed at all the canal boats docked along the way.

  4. Thank Peter for the wonderful photos - he certainly has a good eye. It was fascinating taking a careful look at each one - so much to see and so many different styles of boats/barges, etc. Really interesting.

    Hope it is good to finally have a diagnosis and a programme to follow; I pray it will soon bring you much less pain and trouble.

  5. Canals: picturesque - but ultimately damp I think.
    So sorry about the wretched back pain. This is wretched. Do hope you
    find some therapies/ gentle exercises that might help.
    WArmest greetings from New York

  6. The photos of the boats are really wonderful... so much variety and so many of them. I love the variety of architecture... even a Chinese one... and those hand painted panels. I'm so sorry you are dealing with that pain. Whatever the *reason* for the pain, I hope that it will be manageable for you.


  7. Great photos. Thanks for the tour. I think I might love living on a boat there.

  8. Lovely photos from you son :-)

    I hope you get your back pain sorted out to a manageable level xx

  9. Amazing pictures of the barges. I never imagined that there would be that many of them parked together. Another history lesson, this time from your son's pictures! Yay!

    Happy to hear that you have results from your MRI, and I hope that soon you will be able to manage your pain.

    Great to see your post Barbara.
    My best to you,

  10. The river boat community looks vibrant and alive. Does your son live on a barge?
    So sorry about the back pain. I hope you can manage it well with exercise and the doctor's advice.
    Have a good week, Barbara, full of God's loving presence.

  11. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

  12. I have been unable to access feedly so I just realized that I could find your blog address!
    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well--sore backs are nasty things to deal with.
    The canal photos are beautiful!

  13. What delightful photos. I used to live in St John's Wood and would often take a stroll down Regent's Park Canal so this brings back some wonderful memories.

  14. I especially like the Asian barge. The canal looks rather crowded! Sorry to hear about your back. 🙁


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