Saturday 22 August 2015

RSPB on Rainham Marshes

While having grandson Oliver to stay last week our days out where of wild life and nature reserves.
Here we are at one of our local RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) reserves next to The River Thames

Looking down on the Blue Dragonflies
did not manage to capture them on my camera

Spying a Frog

Many board walks cross the marshes and waterways

He spotted a Heron, Godwits, and a Marsh Harrier and three flocks of Canadian Geese circling

Not another photograph!

An old discarded Ant Hill with tunnels running through it

Grandma decided not to go through the tunnels but just walk to the top!

Then half way round Oliver thought he would explore a turn stile! Of course it was a one-way style! We had no choice but to follow him, especially as the river was just over the bank.
So tea and cakes and ice-cream at the visitors centre (where we had lunch) instead of completing the walk.
We had walked the riverside before lunch.
Boys will be boys


  1. Aww....yes...but isn't it fun to see the world through their eyes?

  2. I loved seeing the wild artichoke. My friend, Athens, has them in her backyard and she picks them and dries them for fall and winter decor. Do you ever collect them?

  3. Looks like the perfect place for some good ramblings with a young boy. Even through the one-way turnstile! Tea, cakes and ice cream are always a pleasant way to pass the time too.

  4. Always nice to have grandchildren to stay in the schoolholidays. do some different explorations than you normally do, I suppose.

  5. What a wonderful place for boys to explore ... big ones and little ones :) I'm sure Oliver had a wonderful times, as did his grandparents.

  6. What boy can resist a turnstyle? Thoughts of getting back through the other way never enter their minds -- why would they, after all: who wouldn't want him to go back where he was? Seems like logical thought to me! :-)

  7. I love the name Oliver! What a blessing to spend time with your grandson...

  8. Catching up again with your news, Barbara...I love seeing photos of your beautiful roses, your good visit with friends, and your adventure with your grandson...I am still amazed at the size of that abandoned ant hill!

  9. Great pictures and looks like an interesting place to visit. I also hated to be stopped in action when it came to picture taking in my young days.

  10. Oliver is growing up! Adventure awaits! What a fun outing with your grandson.

  11. That must have been great having him to stay. Looks like he's a nature lover too.

  12. Great memories for your grandson and for both of you.
    I love the "not another photograph" picture. I have such a hard time of getting pictures of two of our grandsons.
    Our other grandson doesn't mind and our two granddaughters love having their pictures taken.

    I think Oliver will really remember crawling through the old ant hill tunnel. . .perfect for a boy.

  13. Ohhh...he is very clever, Oliver is. Sounds like just something my Sam or Jake might do. They do get to the place where they are not fans of being photo subjects. How wonderful that he has grandparents who take him places and provide lunch and fun treats.

  14. Ollie looks like a good lad.
    Funny..... there are 3 boys with the name Oliver in my family, and 2 ladies who have Olive.
    Great name!!

  15. Hi Barbara, it is fun to follow the grands around and see the world through their eyes. Clever move, that, to go through the turn stile. :)

  16. Oliver is growing up! It's fun to have grandsons visit - the world always looks so different through their eyes. Our youngest grandson visited a couple of weeks ago and we had a great time. I'm glad you had a special time with Oliver. I enjoyed seeing your adventures.


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