Saturday 15 August 2015

Meeting with Old Friends

Thursday found me meeting up with two old friends, Meryl in the middle I had not seen for over 20 years. Mary on the left however stayed with us a couple of years ago. Isn't it amazing when you can pick up as if it was only yesterday!

As Mary and Meryl were just passing through we met up at a Discovery Centre/Museum and Garden where we could pass most of the day sitting and chatting in the Garden Cafe as unfortunately in rained for a lot of the day so could not sit outside. We did however manage to walk around between the showers

This was a local council run garden offering help and advice on all kinds of garden situations including such things as crop rotation.
The place included a golf course, cricket pitch, running track, adventure playground, museum, craft gallery with extra events on for children, and it was free (with only extra events to be paid for).
It was interesting to see it being used by the very young right up to many disabled people in wheelchairs. Certainly a popular place for the residents of Luton town. 

Anyone  remember these, we had one in the back yard

The centre was right next to Luton Airport but the constant noise of the planes and the noise level from inside - it is school holiday time (and there was a great adventure playground) made conversation quite a challenge.
However it was a good enjoyable time catching up and all looking forward to visits in the future.
Even our journey both ways with lane closures, incidents, queuing traffic, congestion and to top it all an exit closure did not squash our delightful day.
A highlight of the day? When walking around the garden a message boomed out on the tannoy - 
"Would Barbara Rogerson come to Customer Services IMMEDIATELY!
What Had I done? My handbag had been found and handed in - it contained credit cards,  Switch card, purse with cash, drivers licence, new mobile phone and much more.
Neither Alan or myself had missed it as we were balancing, macs, umbrellas, rucksack, camera, handbag between us while I took photos.
So relieved and grateful to God for His Mercy.    


  1. Oh yes! God is good and you never had those moments of panic realizing that your purse was gone! Have just come from a blog where the dear lady lost her car keys while out dining. They were found in the trash!

    Wonderful that you visited with friends in such a pretty, if noisy, place. I know that Heaven is going to be as you describe...picking right up where we left off.

    A wonderful August to you!

  2. So you must have been very glad to have your handbag back, but you even had not missed it. Indeed a highlight of the day. So nice to meet your old friends and retrieve memories together. I know all about it, I have two friends from my schooltime 50 years ago and we see each other once in a couple of years, we start chatting where we ended last time.

  3. My goodness, what a shock for you. How wonderful that some good person handed your bag in.

  4. Thanks be to God! Meetings like these with old friends are wonderful. And as Vee has said, you didn't have to go through the anxiety of wondering where you had left your purse. A very good day all around.

  5. Oh boy! So glad your handbag was restored to you! What a relief. Glad you could meet up with old friends and enjoy time together.

  6. That was lovely you got your handbag back. My granddaughter left her mini iPad in the cinema last week (why she had it there I have no idea) & a lovely "usherette" found it for her. Yes we need to be thankful that lots of people are still nice & honest.

    What a lovely day apart from losing your bag! It does look a great place to visit & yes I remember the mangle!

  7. The place is beautiful and the people must be also.

  8. The gardens are beautiful and I am sure the visit with dear friends was a joy.

    Even better, however, was having someone return your purse intact.

  9. Sounds as though you were triply blessed, friends, a beautiful place and your purse.

  10. What a wonderful place to visit with friends you hadn't seen for awhile Thank goodness for honest people and the return of your handbag.

  11. What a lovely spot for enjoying the company of your friends -- even with the airport noise, etc. I'm so glad an honest person found your purse and you got everything back! Thanks for sharing the pictures of this beautifully designed garden. -Beth

  12. Great news that you got all your bag with all your possessions back. and you hadn't even realised you had lost them! The garden is lovely, and how nice to meet up with friends from the past (never call them OLD frinds!!!).

  13. Lovely pictures. God sure was good to you and glad you got the handbag with contents. I remember one time coming from the store chatting with my friend and looking for my house keys. Guess what? Out fell my wallet but I didn't notice. A block farther on a guy on a bike says are you so and so. I thought Who is this? My answer a God sent angel who had picked up and was returning my wallet.

  14. What a gorgeous place to renew old friendships.

  15. How wonderful to have so many interesting gardens to go to close to your home. There is nothing nicer than a coffee shop in a garden.

  16. Very nice to pick up where you left off with old friends. Just recently that happened to us also when we met old friends that we had not seen for 20 years. They live in Australia, but we picked up as if no time had passed at all. They were doing a Canada trip.

    Such a pretty spot for you to meet your friends and I am glad that your handbag was returned without being disturbed.

    On days such as you had. . .a cross body hand bag might come in handy, if its not too heavy.


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