Wednesday 16 July 2014

Lullingstone Castle Castle & the World Garden Pt. 3

The Church of St. Botolph

The church you see at Lullingstone Castle today - dedicated to the seventh century Saxon abbot St. Botolph - is of Norman origin and has Norman foundations clearly visible on  it's Southern side.
However it is believed that the church replaced an even earlier Saxon one. Earlier still is the site of the Roman Christian 'House Church' at Lullingstone Roman Villa, which dates from around 
380 AD. (written about in a previous post on Lullingstone Castle - see 'labels') 
Taken together, these three sites of worship suggest that Lullingstone may have he longest continuous history of Christian worship in Britain. 

These family churches always hold much history and of cause they wee burial places

Do check part 1 of this set of posts for more information


  1. That's getting the timeline quite aways back. Interesting to is certainly true that God has always had His people.

  2. Loved seeing this old family Church. The pews remind me of old Puritan Churches.

  3. Hi, It wouldn't be surprising, given the ancient sacred lineage of this site, to discover even earlier Earth-based traditions practiced here.


  4. Hi!
    Wow, a chuch site as old as 380AD, it must be rare all over the world!
    When it comes to graves in churches, it is something that I God doesn´t approve of, I think. If we read in the old testament Ezekiel 43:7-9, King James, Jubilee 2000 bible.

  5. Very remarkable. I was surprised to see all that intricacy inside the church as it looks so plain and stern on the outside. Of course, I love all those hearts on Percival Hart's memorial! It's a lovely little church, and the history you shared was so interesting, going so far back in time.

  6. What a wonderful history to have - such ancient Christian traditions. It does set the mind to thinking. God is faithful throughout the generations.


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