Monday 28 July 2014

Hyde Hall RHS Gardens, Essex

We made a recent visit to our local Royal Horticultural Society gardens and met up with our daughter for the day.
We have since been away for a week 'cat sitting' but more on that next time with beautiful photographs

More of a picture post than anything else


  1. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos you took at the RHS gardens, Barbara. Lush landscapes worthy of admiration. We are tentatively thrilled that we have little nasturtium plants poking up from the seeds we planted! [Please, God, let them thrive!!!]

  2. And a very lovely picture story it is, too. It's fun to see the same flowers and plants growing and blooming there that are blooming here.

  3. What beautiful flowers and gardens! The weather looks stunning as well.

  4. As always very lovely, thanks for taking the time to show the photo's to us.

  5. Picture posts are always nice, and this one does not disappoint. Lovely gardens! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  6. Beautiful garden photos. That long stretch of green lawn is so striking.

  7. That looks like a beautiful garden on a nice day too. Jane

  8. We spent a lovely afternoon here a couple of summers ago, with my sister-in-law and our niece. Such a pretty place. I wanted to take nearly everything for sale in the shop home with me!! :O

  9. Beautiful, I love the alliums, planted 30 of them and only 3 came up. Squirrel's so I have been catching and releasing them all summer. I love your travels.

  10. Hello Barbara. You've taken some beautiful photos (as usual) of a gorgeous garden, and they are a delight to observe. And I like best (maybe because it is different from the rest) that glimpse taken through the bare tree trunks.


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